
家畜圈舍粪尿表层酸化对氨气排放的影响 被引量:9

Impact of surface acidification of manure on ammonia emission in animal housing
摘要 氨气是形成雾霾前体物的关键物质,而家畜养殖圈舍是氨气的重要排放源。本文选择圈舍环节新鲜猪粪和牛粪作为试验样品,利用动态箱-硼酸吸收法,研究了不同类型酸和不同剂量酸的表层酸化对圈舍粪尿氨排放的影响,探讨圈舍氨减排的方法。研究发现:按0.31 mL·cm^-2的喷施量在猪粪表层喷施0.012 mol·L^-1和0.006 mol·L^-1乳酸, 24 h氨累积排放量可分别减少43%(P<0.05)和32%(P=0.07);喷施0.017 mol·L^-1和0.009 mol·L^-1磷酸后,氨排放可分别减少74%(P<0.01)和61%(P<0.05);粪尿表面喷洒0.017 mol·L^-1磷酸72 h后仍可减少氨排放64%(P<0.01)。另外,用同样方法对牛粪酸化可降低氨排放80%左右,且在不添加新粪的情况下,粪尿表层酸化间隔对24 h内氨减排效率无显著影响。同时,粪尿表面酸化仅改变粪尿表层pH,对粪尿整体pH无显著影响。综上所述:圈舍粪尿表面酸化可以大幅度降低氨气挥发,其减排效果与酸的种类、浓度及粪尿类型有关,是一种实现圈舍氨减排且经济可行的方法,此研究也可为家畜养殖业圈舍酸化氨减排技术提供科学数据支撑。 Ammonia is a key substance in the formation of haze precursors, and livestock pen is one of the main sources of ammonia emission. Here, we selected fresh cow and sow manure to evaluate the impacts of surface acidification on ammonia emission under simulated livestock pen conditions with different acids of different concentrations. Acid solution was sprayed on the surface of the manure to acidify the manure surface. Ammonia emission was measured using the dynamic boric acid trap method. Our results revealed that when lactic acid was diluted to 0.012 mol·L^-1 and 0.006 mol·L^-1 and applied on the surface of manure at the rate of 0.31 mL·cm^-2, ammonia emission from sow manure reduced respectively by 43%(P < 0.05) and 32%(P = 0.07) in 24 h, compared with the control treatment. Ammonia emission reduced by 74%(P < 0.01) and 61%(P < 0.05) respectively for 0.017 mol·L^-1 and 0.009 mol·L^-1 of diluted phosphoric acids. Ammonia emission of sow manure reduced by 64%(P < 0.01) within 72 h treatment of 0.017 mol·L^-1 phosphoric acid. Using the same treatment method as before, surface acidification of cow manure reduced ammonia emission by 80% compared with control treatment. The frequency of acid addition to manure surface had no significant impact on ammonia emission mitigation when manure was not refreshed. Surface acidification lowered manure pH, but with no significant impact on the whole manure. Overall, surface acidification reduced ammonia emission in animal pens. The reduction efficiency depended not only on the type and concentration of acid, but also on the type of manure. Surface acidification of manure was a cost-effective ammonia abatement technique. This study also supported the increasing understanding of manure acidification technology aimed at reducing ammonia emission from animal pens.
作者 刘娟 柏兆海 曹玉博 张楠楠 赵占轻 马林 LIU Juan;BAI Zhaohai;CAO Yubo;ZHANG Nannan;ZHAO Zhanqing;MA Lin(Center for Agricultural Resources Research,Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology,Chinese Academy of Sciences/Hebei Key Laboratory of Soil Ecology / Key Laboratory of Agricultural Water Resources,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shijiazhuang 050022,China;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China;School of Land Resources and Urban & Rural Planning,Hebei GEO University,Shijiazhuang 050031,China)
出处 《中国生态农业学报(中英文)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第5期677-685,共9页 Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture
基金 国家重点研发计划项目(2018YFC0213300) 国家自然科学基金项目(31872403,31801941) 大气重污染成因与治理攻关项目(DQGG0208) 中国科学院重点部署项目(ZDRW-ZS-2016-5) 中国科学院STS项目(KFJ-STS-ZDTP-053) 中国科学院百人计划项目 河北省杰出青年基金项目(D2017503023) 河北省现代农业产业技术体系奶牛产业创新团队项目(HBCT2018120206)资助~~
关键词 粪尿pH 氨挥发 家畜粪尿 养殖圈舍 氨减排 粪尿表面酸化 Manure pH Ammonia emission Animal manure Animal housing Ammonia emission reduction Manure surface acidification
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