

The Multiple Alternation and the Antinomy Between Similarities and Differences --the Thought of "the Other" in the Sense of " Post- ontology"
摘要 他者问题是当代哲学撬动存在论思辨的阿基米德点。胡塞尔在纯粹意识中植入“移情”,以兼容他者,却因为意识的属我本性而陷入自相矛盾。海德格尔局限于存在-“此在”形而上学架构的生存论,使“共同存在”干瘪为“此在”“本真”生存的逻辑陪衬。梅洛·庞蒂互为主客的发现,因为非逻辑地泛化并滥用“身体知觉”而陷入“暧昧哲学”的泥淖。勒维纳斯用他者形而上学替代存在论形而上学,在本体思辨逻辑方面是存在论的“同谋”。拉康和德里达将符号意义抽离实践现实境域,使符号成为他异性的象征或“延异”性的归宿,是以符号相对主义掩饰其他者绝对主义。而只有诉诸于全方位生生互动之中自组织耦合的有效、有序信息,才能给予他者问题以时代性合理阐释。 "The other" problem is the Archimedes point of contemporary philosophy which levers the ontology spekulation. Husserl incorporates " the other" by implanting empathy in the pure consciousness, and falls into paradox because of the Jemeinigkeit of consciousness. Heidegger′s existential metaphysics makes the "co-existence" dry, and makes it become the logic foiln of the authentic existence of "Dasein". Merleau-Ponty′s findings of mutual subject and object falls into the quagmire of the "ambiguous philosophy" because of the illogical generalization and abuse of the " body consciousness". Emmanuel-levinas replaces the ontology-metaphysics with "the other" metaphysics, which is exactly the same as ontology in speculative logic. Lacan and derrida divorce the meaning of symbols from the practical realm of reality, make symbol become the token of alterity or the destination of "differance", and user the relativism of symbols to achieve the absolutism of otherness. Only by resorting to the information-reason of the all-round interaction of continuous reproduction, can the "the other" problem an epoch-making solution be found.
作者 徐岿然 XU Kui-ran(School of Marxism, North China Electric Power University, Baoding 071003, China)
出处 《华北电力大学学报(社会科学版)》 2019年第2期100-107,共8页 Journal of North China Electric Power University(Social Sciences)
关键词 他者 存在论思辨 多元互生 异同背反 信息理性 the other ontology-spekulation multiple alternate antinomy between similarities and differences information-reason
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  • 1Lacan, Jacques, 1966, Ecrits, Editions du Seuil.
  • 2Lacan, Jacques, 1973, Le seminaire de Jacques Lacan,Livre Ⅺ, Les quatre concepts fondamentaux de la psychanalyse1964, Texte ctabli JacquesAlain Miller, Editions du Seuil.
  • 31975a, Le séminaire de Jacques Lacan, Levre Ⅰ, Les écrits techniques de Freud 1953-1954, Texte établi JacquesAlain Miller , Editions du Seuil.Lacan, Jacques,
  • 4Lacan, Jacques,1975b, Le séminaire de Jacques Lacan, Levre ⅩⅩ, Encore 1972-1973 , Texte 6tabli Jacques-Main Miller , Editionsdu Seuil.
  • 5Lacan, Jacques,1978, Le séminaire de Jacques Lacan, Livre Ⅱ, Le moi darts la théorie de Freud et darts la technique de la psychanal-yse 1954-1955, Texte établi Jacques-Alain Miller , Editions du Seuil.
  • 6Lacan, Jacques,1981, Le séminaire de Jacques Lacan, Livre Ⅲ, Les psychoses 1955-1956, Texte établi Jacques-Alain Miller, Editions du Seuil.
  • 7笛卡儿.《第一哲学沉思集》,庞景仁译[M].商务印书馆,1985年..









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