
财经商贸类高职院校现代学徒制推进的问题与策略研究 被引量:5

Study on the Problems and Strategies of Promoting Modern Apprenticeship in Higher Vocational Colleges of Financial and Business
摘要 现代学徒制作为职业教育的基本趋势和主导模式,为深化职业教育产教融合、校企合作提供了一种新思路。文章在分析财经商贸类高职院校现代学徒制推进问题的基础上,从保障体系、合作体系、合作模式、招生招工机制、师资队伍建设及评价体系构建等方面进行了策略研究,对财经商贸类高职院校推行现代学徒制具有一定的借鉴意义。 Modern apprenticeship, as a basic trend and dominant mode of vocational education, provides a new way of thinking to deepen the integration of industry and education of vocational education as well as school-enterprise cooperation. Based on the analysis of the promotion of modern apprenticeship in higher vocational colleges of finance and business, this paper conducts a strategic study from the aspects of security system, cooperation system, cooperation mode, enrollment and recruitment mechanism, teaching staff construction, and evaluation system construction, which offers certain reference for such colleges to implement modern apprenticeship.
作者 向奕 游秋琳 肖兆飞 XIANG Yi;YOU Qiulin;XIAO Zhaofei(Sichuan Vocational College of Finance and Economics,Chengdu 610101,China)
出处 《成都航空职业技术学院学报》 2019年第1期31-33,共3页 Journal of Chengdu Aeronautic Polytechnic
关键词 现代学徒制 财经商贸类 问题与策略 modern apprenticeship finance and commerce problems and strategies
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