
什么样的目的地微电影更容易被分享?——基于情绪和信息来源地的研究 被引量:2

What Destination Microfilms are More Likely to be Shared?An Analysis of Viewer's Emotion and Microfilms' Source
摘要 随着移动互联网和各类社交平台的发展,微电影成为不少旅游目的地的重要营销手段。然而就营销效果而言,能引起人们大量关注并主动传播的目的地微电影却不多。什么样的目的地微电影才能获得人们广泛关注并被主动分享呢?本文从微电影引发的积极情绪强度和微电影来源地两个因素进行了探究,发现目的地微电影引发的积极情绪强度对人们的分享意愿有显著影响,引发积极情绪的强度越高,人们的分享意愿越强。相较于未知地区,来自家乡的旅游微电影,能够引发观看者更强的积极情绪,并引起更高的分享意愿。本文建议目的地管理者在进行微电影营销时应该更加关注潜在旅游者的兴趣和心理需求;同时,开展相应营销活动,设法引导、激发当地居民对家乡的情感,以提高其对当地旅游业的关注及传播旅游微电影的热情,使目的地旅游品牌获得更好的传播。 With the development of mobile internet and social networking platforms, microfilm advertising has become an important marketing tool for many tourism destinations. However, in terms of marketing effects, there are very few destination microfilms that can attract enough attention and arouse consumers’ desire effectively. What kind of destination microfilms is more likely to be shared by viewers? This study is conducted to explore the intensity of positive emotions triggered by microfilms and the source of microfilms. The results of Study 1 demonstrate that the intensity of positive emotions triggered by destination microfilms may significantly affect the willingness of viewers to share. The higher the positive emotions are, the greater the willingness to share. Study 2 and Study 3 show that, compared with videos of unknown places, videos related to hometown are more likely to be shared by viewers. At the same time, study 3 further confirms the influence of emotion intensity on the willingness of viewers to share. The findings of this paper enhance our understanding about the role of destination microfilms in viewers’ willingness to share. Furthermore, this study has practical implications for brand communication. For destination marketing organizations, our advice is that if they want to obtain a higher click through rate and widespread publicity, they should pay more attention to the interest and the psychological needs of potential tourism consumers than before so as to produce more interesting microfilms for the target audiences. At the same time, destination marketing organizations should strive to inspire and guide local residents’ nostalgic feelings for hometown, sharpen their awareness of the local tourism resources and arouse their enthusiasm for the dissemination of microfilms, thus greatly improving the communication of the destination tourism brand.
作者 李亚 LI Ya(School of Tourism, Henan Normal University, Xinxiang 453007, China)
出处 《旅游导刊》 2019年第2期72-81,共10页 Tourism and Hospitality Prospects
基金 河南省高等学校重点科研项目(项目编号:17A630029)资助
关键词 目的地微电影 情绪强度 社会认同 destination microfilms emotion intensity social identity
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