3Long, M. and C. Sato, Classroom Foreigner talk discourse: Forms and Functions of Teachers' Question, Newbury House 1983.
4Nunan, David, Language Teaching Methodology, Prentiee Hall, International (UK) Ltd. 1991.
5Allwright, Dick. & M. Bailey, Kathleen, Focus on the Language Classroom: An Introduction to Oasstoom Reseaarch for Language Teachers, CUP, 1991.
6Joy L. Egbert, Analytic and Systemic Analyses of Computer- Supported Language Leaming Environment, Center for English Language Training, Indiana University, 1993.
7Long, M. and C. Sato, Classroom Foreigner talk discourse: Forms and Functions of Teachers' Question, Newbury House 1983.
8Nunan, David, Language Teaching Methodology, Prentice Hall, International (UK) Ltd. 1991.
9Allwright, Dick. & M. Bailey, Kathleen, Focus on the Language Classroom: An Introduction to Classroom Research for Language Teachers, CUP, 1991.
10Joy L. Egbert, Analytic and Systemic Analyses of Computer-Supported Language Learning Environment, Center for English Language Training, Indiana University, 1993.