

A Study on the Reconstruction of the Image of the Progressive Youths of Short Stories in “Chinese Literature”( English Version 1951-1966)
摘要 基于《中国文学》(英文版1951-1966)中以进步青年为主角的短篇小说的中文原文和英文译本,自建汉英平行语料库,对进步青年主角在上述两种语言文本中的形象差异进行研究。采用语际对比模式,以中文原文里与进步青年主角人物形象关联程度高的高频词为检索项,考察高频词在英文译本中的翻译情况及其对进步青年主角人物形象塑造的影响。研究发现,中文原文中的多数高频词汇在英文译本中得到了完整意义的保留,但部分高频词在翻译后削弱了英文译本中进步青年人物思维和举止的敏捷性、语言表达的肯定性、意识的能动性、情绪的强烈性,部分语言表达与中文原文相比更具灵活性。总体上英译文本中进步青年人物形象的鲜明程度有所减弱,其原因主要有:文学时代特征使人物形象趋于类似;文化对外传播目的促使英译文本调整人物形象;汉英语言差异影响英译文本重塑人物形象。 Based on the Chinese original text and English translation of the short stories with progressive youths as main characters in “Chinese literature”(English version 1951-1966) published during the years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, this paper builds a Chinese-English parallel corpus to study the image differences of progressive young protagonists between the above-mentioned two language texts. This paper uses the inter-lingual comparing method, which at first extracts the high frequency words that are highly related to the image of the progressive youths in the Chinese original text as the search term, then investigates how those high frequency words are translated, as well as their influence on the image-building process of the progressive youths in the English translation. The study has found that although the meanings of most of the high frequency words in the Chinese original text have been fully retained in the English translation, the ways some of the high frequency words are translated have weakened the agility of the young protagonists' thinking and behavior, the certainty of their language expression, the initiative of their consciousness and the intensity of their emotion in the English translation. Generally speaking, the vivid image of the progressive young figures has been weakened in the English translation text. This paper believes that the main reasons for the weakening of the figure image in the translation text are: the characteristics of Chinese literature in that era make the figure image tend to be similar;the purpose of strengthening cultural communication with foreign countries urges the English translation text to adjust the figure image;the linguistic differences between Chinese and English affect the English translation text in reshaping the figure image.
作者 童悦 韩江洪 TONG Yue;HAN Jianghong(School of Foreign Languages, Hefei University of Technology, Heifei, Anhui 230009)
出处 《武夷学院学报》 2019年第2期61-67,共7页 Journal of Wuyi University
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(13BYY038)
关键词 人物形象 翻译 《中国文学》 语料库 character image translation Chinese Litera ture corpus
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