

Control of CIE chromaticity and photoluminescence of SrAl_2O_4:Eu phosphors
摘要 以尿素为燃料和还原剂,采用溶液-燃烧合成法制备了不同掺杂浓度的Sr_(1-x)Al_2O_4:xEu荧光粉末样品,研究了不同浓度样品的光致荧光发射效应和CIE色度特性.X射线衍射(XRD)表征结果显示,所制备的样品呈现单斜α-SrAl_2O_4晶体结构.在394nm激发光作用下,随着Eu离子掺杂浓度的增加,样品500nm附近的绿色荧光发射逐渐增强,在5.0mol%时达到最大而后减弱,而610nm附近的红色荧光发射逐渐增强,CIE色度图显示样品的荧光色调从蓝绿区域经绿色白色区域逐步过渡到了淡红色区域. SrAl2O4:Eu phosphors with various doping concentration were synthesized via a urea assisted solution-combustion method.The phosphors were characterized by X-ray powder diffraction(XRD)and photoluminescence spectroscopy.The XRD showed that the synthesized samples exhibited a monoclinicα-SrAl2O4 phase.Under the excitation at 394 nm,the intensity of green fluorescence emission around 500 nm increases with increasing Eu concentration up to a maximum of 5.0 mol%,then decreased due to concentration quenching effect,while the intensity of red fluorescence around 610 nm increases with increasing Eu concentration.The CIE chromatogram shows that the fluorescence of the sample gradually transits from the white region to the pink region through the green region.
作者 伏振兴 刘碧蕊 FU Zhenxing;LIU Birui(College of Physics and Electronic Information Engineering,Ningxia Normal University,Guyuan Ningxia 756000)
出处 《宁夏师范学院学报》 2019年第4期18-22,共5页 Journal of Ningxia Normal University
基金 宁夏自然科学基金(2018AAC03237) 宁夏师范学院校级重点科研(NXSFZDA1804)资助项目
关键词 SrAl2O4:Eu荧光粉 溶液-燃烧法 光致发光 色度调控 SrAl2O4:Eu phosphors Solution-combustion Photoluminescence CIE properties
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