
嵌入现代书院制育人平台的大学生阅读推广实践研究 被引量:4

A Study on Reading Extension of Undergraduates Relying on the Educational Platform of Modern Academy System
摘要 大学生阅读现状呈现出手机阅读占绝对优势、经典阅读受冷落等特点,而大学生的阅读推广活动则呈现出多头指导、阶段性活动为主、学生参与度不高等情况。将大学生阅读推广活动嵌入大学生育人全过程,而育人过程又引入现代书院制这一全新育人模式,是一个不错的尝试。大学生阅读推广模块整合了校内各类资源,通过搭建多层次、多渠道、多类型、跨专业、跨领域的阅读选项供学生选择,旨在营造一种师生共读、文理融通的阅读氛围,达到全员育人、协同育人,变被动阅读为主动阅读的目标。并从建立开放平台、加强校内外协同、加强学生自主管理、加强空间建设和成效管理等几个方面完善和优化阅读推广模块。 Undergraduates' reading is dominated by mobile phone reading and neglects classic reading. Undergraduates' reading promotion activities are mainly guided by multiple instructions, showed in staged activities and students are not enthusiastic. It is worth trying to embed undergraduates' reading guidance activities into the whole process of undergraduates' education, namely modern academy system which is a new educational mode. By building multi-level, multi-channel, multi-type, cross disciplinary and cross field reading options for students, we can integrate all kinds of resources into the undergraduates' reading instruction module. By doing some we aim to create a reading atmosphere integrated literary with science, and both teachers and students can benefit from it. As a result, our goal of education for all, coorperation to educate and turning passive reading to positive reading can be achieved. To perfect the reading guidance module, we can establish an open platform, strengthen collaboration inside and outside school, intensify students' independent management, improve space construction and enhance effectiveness management.
出处 《图书馆研究与工作》 2019年第5期64-68,共5页 Library Science Research & Work
关键词 书院制 阅读指导 大学生 阅读推广 modern academy system reading guidance undergraduate reading promotion
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