
炭基催化法烟气净化系统密封性能的控制研究 被引量:3

Research on control of sealing performance for flue gas purification system with carbon-based catalytic
摘要 炭基催化法烟气净化技术可一体化脱除烟气中SO_2、NO_x、二噁英、重金属、粉尘等污染物,在发电、冶金等行业具有广阔的应用前景。从防止炭基催化法烟气净化系统中有害气体泄漏及窜气现象发生的角度出发,针对系统的密封性能进行研究。分析了系统的核心设备脱硫脱硝塔和再生塔内有害气体的气体泄漏及窜气途径,发现脱硫脱硝塔内烟气的泄露点有炭基催化剂的入口和出口,并且烟气会从进气室经料面与塔内上部的顶端及边缘部分的空隙产生窜气,再生塔内气体的泄漏点有炭基催化剂的入口和出口。根据前述分析,将脱硫脱硝塔吸附层分列后各列的上部及下部料仓的底部均设置旋转阀,可起到锁气作用。设计脱硫脱硝塔下料溜管和溜槽的高度均大于吸附层厚度,利用料封作用防止原烟气流向上部或下部料仓。在脱硫脱硝塔吸附层各列顶部过渡段的四棱锥体下部设置一定高度的台肩,且锥体的底角大于炭基催化剂的安息角,物料形成的密封层阻止烟气沿顶部空隙窜气。在再生塔体顶部和底部均通入氮气,可阻止再生气体泄露,在再生塔的出、入料口分别设置双层旋转阀,且双层旋转阀中部通入密封氮气,防止顶部和底部通入的氮气及再生气体泄露。通过上述设计改进了脱硫脱硝塔和再生塔的结构形式,优化了系统的辅助设备配置,有效地提升了系统的密封性能,保障了系统的高效、安全与清洁运行。 Flue gas integrated purification technology with carbon-based catalytic can remove sulfur dioxide,nitrogen oxides,dioxins,heavy metals,dust and other pollutants in flue gas,which has broad application prospects.In order to prevent harmful gas leakage and gas blowby in the carbon-based catalytic flue gas purification system,the sealing performance of the system was studied.The gas leakage and gas blowby ways of harmful gases in the desulfurization and denitrification tower and regeneration tower of the system were analyzed.It was found that the gas leakage points in the desulfurization and denitrification tower were the entrance and exit of carbon-based catalysts,and the gas blowby from the inlet chamber through the gaps between the material level and the peak or edges of the top of the tower.The gas blowby points in the regeneration tower included the entrance and exit of carbon-based catalysts.According to the above analysis,rotating valves are installed at the top and bottom of each column when the adsorption layer of the desulfurization and denitrification tower is sorted,which can lock gas.A certain height shoulder is set at the underpart of the quadripyramid at the top of each columns of the adsorption layer of the desulfurization and denitrification tower,and the bottom angles of the quadripyramid are larger than the rest angle of the carbon-based catalyst.The sealing layers formed by the material prevent the gas from channeling along the top gap.The top and bottom of the regeneration tower are imported with nitrogen,which can prevent the leakage of the regeneration gas.Double-layer rotary valves are installed at the inlet and outlet of the regeneration tower respectively.Nitrogen is imported into the middle of the double-layer rotary valve,which can also prevent the leakage of nitrogen and regenerated gas from the top and bottom.Through the above design,the sealing performance of the system is effectively improved,and the efficient,safe and clean operation of the system is ensured.
作者 谷建功 孟春强 邢德山 刘奕宁 吴春华 樊腾飞 GU Jiangong;MENG Chunqiang;XING Deshan
出处 《电力科技与环保》 2019年第2期53-55,共3页 Electric Power Technology and Environmental Protection
基金 国家重点研发计划项目(2017YFC0210203)
关键词 炭基催化法 烟气净化 密封性能 主动控制 method of carbon-based catalytic flue gas purification tightness performance active control
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