项目反应理论(IRT)是近些年发展起来的心理测量理论,具有超越传统经典测量理论(CTT)的诸多优势。采用项目反应理论的区分度、难度和信息函数峰值3个参数对Farh等的组织公民行为量表进行修订,以期使修订后的量表符合我国运动员情境,并在此基础上检验组织公民行为与凝聚力以及满意度之间的关系。运用MULTILOG 7.03统计软件对量表条目进行参数分析,对条目进行筛选;采用AMOS 22.0软件进行结构方程分析,检验量表的结构效度以及组织公民行为、凝聚力、满意度的关系模型;采用SPSS 22.0进行主成分分析和相关分析,检验量表的单维性强假设和信度以及各变量之间的相关系数。结果发现:1)运动员组织公民行为初始量表符合项目反应理论单维性强假设,可以根据项目反应理论进行修订;2)修订后的运动员组织公民行为量表的区分度a和难度b取值范围合理,能够鉴别不同受试者的反应程度;3)修订后的运动员组织公民行为量表具有良好的信度和效度;4)团队凝聚力通过组织公民行为对满意度影响的间接效果值远大于其直接效果值。结论:1)修订后的运动员组织公民行为量表可以作为测量我国运动员组织公民行为的有效工具;2)运动员组织公民行为在团队凝聚力和运动员满意度关系中起完全中介作用。
Item Response Theory(IRT) is a psychometric theory developed in recent years,which has many advantages over Classical Test Theory(CTT).The organizational citizenship behavior(OCB) scale of Farh,etc.was revised by using the three parameters of discrimination,difficulty and peak value of information function of IRT in order to make the revised OCB scale accord with the situation of athletes in China,and to test the relationship between OCB,cohesion and satisfaction.MULTILOG 7.03 statistical software was used to analyze and screen the items in the scale.Structural equation analysis was performed with AMOS 22.0 software to test the structural validity of the scale and the relationship model among organizational citizenship behavior,cohesion and satisfaction.Results are as follows:1) The athletes’ initial organizational citizenship behavior scale is one-dimensional which can be revised by item response theory.2) The revised athletes’ organizational citizenship behavior(AOCB) scale has a reasonable range of discrimination A and difficulty B,which can distinguish the reaction degree of different subjects.3) AOCB scale has good reliability and validity.4) The indirect effect value of team cohesion through AOCB on satisfaction is far greater than its direct effect.Conclusions:1) The revised AOCB scale can be used as an effective tool to measure the organizational citizenship behavior of Chinese athletes.2) AOCB plays a fully mediating role in the relationship between team cohesion and athletes’ satisfaction.
YANG Shangjian(College of Physical Education,Shanghai Normal University,Shanghai 200234,China)
Journal of Shenyang Sport University