
瑞士废除陪审制与中国人民陪审员制度的持续完善 被引量:3

Why Switzerland Abolished the Jury System——A Reflective Perspective on the Continuous Improvement of China'sPeople's Assessor System
摘要 职权主义国家引入陪审团制度,这似乎是大势所趋。但瑞士反其道而行之。2011年,在瑞士统一的《联邦刑事诉讼法典》颁布后,除提挈诺州外,陪审制在瑞士国境内全面废除,平民参与理念彻底退出瑞士的刑事诉讼。瑞士多数州废除陪审制的核心原因既包括担心由平民组成的陪审团无法有效发现案件真相,又因为《联邦刑事诉讼法典》确立了与陪审制运作机理完全相悖的庭审原则。此外,瑞士高效的刑事案件处理机制也对陪审制的适用形成了强烈的竞争。而提挈诺州则构成"例外中的例外":在保留平民参与司法的同时,构建了与其他主流国家差异颇多的参审制。瑞士的陪审制改革对中国当下人民陪审员制度的完善具有相当的比较法意义:一方面,陪审制改革存在多种选项,因其取决于各国的国情;另一方面,世界各国的陪审制形态呈现多样化,需要中国学术界作更精细化的研究。 It seems the general trend for the civil law countries to introduce the jury system. Switzerland,however, has acted in the opposite way when the system was abolished in all Swiss cantons except Ticino, and the concept of civilian participation was eliminated from Swiss criminal procedure after the promulgation of the Swiss Code of Criminal Procedure in 2011. The abolition resulted primarily from the concerns for the jury’s inability to effectively find out the truth of cases and the establishment of the principles of trial under the Swiss Code of Criminal Procedure that totally run contrary to the operating mechanisms of the jury system. Besides, it had been faced with fierce competition with the highly efficient case-handling system. The canton of Ticino, however , has separated itself from other parts of the country by not only retaining the mechanism of civilian participation in the administration of justice, but also establishing the assessor system that is quite different from those in other major countries. The jury reform in Switzerland has considerable comparative significance on the continuous improvement of China’s current people's assessor system: on the one hand, there are many options for jury reform and it should be carried out in a specific way depending on the national conditions of the country;on the other hand, more refined researches need to be conducted by the academic community in China on the various forms of the jury system in other countries.
作者 施鹏鹏 徐嘉敏 Shi Pengpeng;Xu Jiamin
机构地区 中国政法大学
出处 《贵州省党校学报》 2019年第2期88-95,共8页 Journal of Guizhou Provincial Party School
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目"人民陪审员制度的实质化改革研究"(项目号:17BFX046)的阶段性成果
关键词 瑞士 陪审制 提挈诺州参审制 Switzerland the jury system the assessor system in Ticino
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