
吸纳式合作机制在社区治理中为何失效?——基于H小区居委会与物业公司的个案分析 被引量:19

On Failure of Absorptive Cooperation in Grassroots Community Governance:An Analysis Based on Case of Residents Committee and Management Company of Community H
摘要 城市基层社区治理是当前学界研究的热点领域,牵涉其中的社区居委会、物业公司与业主委员会,为我们展现了在基层社区治理的舞台上政治力量、市场力量与民间自治力量各自运作的逻辑。由于自治意识不足或自治手段缺失,当今中国城市仍然存在大量业主委员会缺位的商品房小区;而民间自治力量的缺失,为居委会与物业公司的充分运作腾出了空间。为了保证国家权力的持续在场,作为城市基层国家代理人的居委会,会通过组织吸纳的方式,如"红色物业"的推进、定性未明的物业管理委员会的组建等,主动寻求与失去有效监督的物业公司建立一种"吸纳式合作"机制。但H小区申请公共维修资金的案例证明,监督物业公司的权利/权力由业主委员会转移至居委会,造成居委会与物业公司的正面冲突,并最终导致这种以组织吸纳为特征的吸纳式合作机制在治理实践中趋于失效。从具体情境中多元治理主体的微观行动逻辑来看,居委会代表的是科层制导向下的政治利益,物业公司代表的是市场化导向下的经济利益,广大业主的利益则成了两者权力博弈的牺牲品。可见,城市社区治理中单向度的吸纳式合作,并非长久之计;真正理想的合作机制,应当是基于居委会、物业公司和业主委员会等多元行动主体之间权力平衡与各自分工的协作式治理。 The complex of commercial housing without its own estate owners committee provides a unique perspective for the study of urban community life. Complicated is the logic of interaction between the people representing a neighbourhood community committee and a management company respectively. A mechanism has been established for absorptive cooperation between a neighbourhood community committee and a management company in the way of organizational absorption. The case of applying for public maintenance funds shows that, with its absence, an estate owners committee may have to transfer its power of supervising a management company to a neighbourhood community committee, leading to direct conflicts between the neighbourhood community committee and the management company involved, and the absorptive cooperation mechanism is completely ineffective and fragile in the face of interest conflicts of this kind. Hopefully, we should establish a solid and benign interactive cooperative relationship between neighbourhood community committees and management companies;provide a platform for equal communication and consultative cooperation;cultivate a community awareness of offering good services to its clients;be active in the establishment of the estate owners committee and the full play of its role;and realize the balance of power and tripartite cooperation among the neighbourhood community committee, the estate owners committee, and the management company. This ideal cooperative mechanism depends on the balance of relations and proper performance of functions by each party involved.
作者 叶娟丽 韩瑞波 YE Juan-li;HAN Ri-bo
出处 《南京大学学报(哲学.人文科学.社会科学)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第2期136-144,160,共10页 Journal of Nanjing University(Philosophy,Humanities and Social Sciences)
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