
WHO基本药物可及性决议执行情况追踪评估方法的系统评价 被引量:4

The follow-up evaluation method of the implementation of WHO “Access to Essential Medicines” resolution: a systematic review
摘要 目的 系统评价构建WHO基本药物可及性决议执行情况追踪评估指标体系,为基本药物追踪评估决议执行具体情况提供方法学支撑,进一步推动和完善国家基本药物政策建设,同时也为调查评估其他公共卫生领域决议执行情况提供方法学参考。方法 计算机检索PubMed、EMbase、The Cochrane Library、Web of Science、CBM、WanFang Data和CNKI数据库及相关国际或国家政府卫生和学术机构的官方网站,搜集WHO基本药物可及性相关研究,检索时限均从建库至2016年2月。由2位研究者独立筛选文献、提取资料、采用定性分析方法整理筛选WHO基本药物可及性决议执行的评价指标。结果 共纳入相关文献60篇,官方网站获取指南3篇、世界卫生大会进展报告19篇。通过筛选指标,获得决议执行措施指标和决议执行结果指标两部分。结论 本研究分析比较了2013~2015年世界卫生大会进展报告中卫生系统类决议执行情况,将决议执行情况指标分为决议执行措施和决议执行结果两个部分。初步得到可用于建立评估决议执行措施和结果的指标体系,后续将进一步展开专家咨询确立基本药物追踪评估决议执行的最终指标。 Objectives To construct a follow-up evaluation indicator system on the implementation of the WHO resolution of"Access to essential medicines"by systematic review,and to provide a methodological support for tracking the implementation of the resolution,with a view to providing evidence of decision-making to promote the accessibility of essential medicines and further promote and improve the national essential medicine policy.It also provides a methodological reference for investigating the implementation of other public health sector resolutions.Methods PubMed,EMbase,The Cochrane Library,Web of Science,CBM,WanFang Data and CNKI databases and relevant international or national official websites of pharmaceutical administration department or academic organization were searched to collect studies on accessibility of WHO essential drugs from inception to February,2016.Two researchers independently screened literature,extracted data,and qualitative analysis was used to sort out and screen the evaluation indicators for the implementation of the WHO resolution of"Access to essential medicines".Results A total of60relevant literatures,three guides and19progress reports of the World Health Assembly from official websites were included.Through the screening of indicators,we could get two parts:the indicators of measures to implement the resolution and the indicators of the results of the implementation of the resolution.Conclusions This study analyzes the implementation of the resolution of the health system in the progress report of the World Health Assembly2013–2015,divides the implementation of the resolution into two parts:the implementation of the resolution and the results of the implementation of the resolution.An indicator system for establishing measures and evaluation the resolution has been found.Expert consultations will be further developed to establish the final indicators for the implementation of the"Access to essential medicines".
作者 林茂 蒋璐灿 曾力楠 张扬 归舸 张伶俐 LIN Mao;JIANG Lucan;ZENG Linan;ZHANG Yang;GUI Ge;ZHANG Lingli(Department of Pharmacy, West China Second University Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu, 610041, P.R.China;Evidence-Based Pharmacy Center, West China Second University Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu, 610041, P.R.China;Key Laboratory of Birth Defects and Related Diseases of Women and Children (Sichuan University), Ministry of Education, Chengdu,610041, P.R.China;West China School of Pharmacy, Sichuan University, Chengdu, 610041, P.R.China)
出处 《中国循证医学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第4期471-480,共10页 Chinese Journal of Evidence-based Medicine
基金 国家卫生计生委药政司委托研究课题(编号:药政2015[27]号)
关键词 世界卫生组织 世界卫生大会 决议 基本药物 可及性 评估方法 系统评价 World health organization World health assembly Resolution Essential medicine Accessibility Assessment method Indicator
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