An award ceremony was held in the Great Hall of the People, in Beijing, on March 6, 2019. During the event, honorable titles and awards were presented, by the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), to 10 National March 8th Red-banner Pacesetters, 300 National March 8th Red-banner Holders, 200 March 8th Red-banner Collectives, 1,986 National Women Achievement Makers Posts, 1,000 National Women Achievement Makers Pacesetters and 490 National Women Achievement Makers Collectives. In this edition, Women of China highlights the stories of four awards winners. Inspired by their stories, Chinese women, from all walks of life, realize they can fulfill their dreams and goals as long as they work hard.
三月的北京,春光明媚。3月6日下午,北京人民大会堂小礼堂洋溢着热烈喜庆的气氛,“三八”国际妇女节纪念暨表彰大会在这里隆重举行。大会表彰了 40名全国三八红旗手标兵、300名全国三八红旗手、200个全国三八红旗集体、1986个全国巾帼文明岗.1000名全国巾帼建功标兵和490个全国巾帼建功先进集体。见证她们的荣耀时刻,聆听她们立足本职、自信进取、奋发有为,在新时代追梦奔跑、建功立业的故事,我们会发现,只要敢于选择和坚持,我们和梦想实现的距离也可以很近!