
郑学军主任医师治疗银屑病的临证经验 被引量:4

Zheng Xuejun's experiences in clinical treatment of psoriasis
摘要 银屑病是一种以红斑、丘疹、鳞屑为主要表现的常见的慢性炎症性皮肤病。其临床特征为大小不等红斑,上覆盖银白色鳞屑,刮去层层鳞屑有薄膜及点状出血。银屑病属于中医学"白疕""松皮癣""蛇虱"的范畴。现代医学对其病因尚不明确,西医主要以对症治疗为主。导师郑学军主任,山西省名中医,曾跟随皮肤科大家朱仁康名老中医及赵炳南名老中医大弟子王玉章系统学习皮肤病,对治疗银屑病积累了丰富经验,其针对细胞有丝分裂加快导致银屑病的发病机制,运用其经验方克银消斑方冲剂在临床上取得了明显的效果。 Psoriasis is a common chronic inflammatory skin disease,manifested as rashes,papula and scales.The clinical symptoms are characterized as red rashes of different sizes,covered with silver white scales and bloody spots with scales removed.Such skin disease is in the category of baibi,songpixuan and sheshi.The etiology of such skin disease is unclear in modern medicine.Western medicine provides the symptomatic treatment generally.Zheng Xuejun,the famous physician of TCM in Shanxi province,under the mentoring relationship with Wang Yuzhang,Zhu Renzhang and Zhao Mingnan,enriches in the treatment of psoriasis.In pathogensis,mitosis accelerates the occurrence of psoriasis.Hence,the self-prepared keyin xiaoban granules were developed and the obvious effects had been achieved.
作者 马慧慧 郑学军 李晓亮 MA Hui-hui;ZHENG Xue-jun;LI Xiao-liang(Shanxi University of Chinese Medicine,Jinzhong Shanxi 030619;Affiliated Hospital of Shanxi University of Chinese Medicine,Taiyuan Shanxi 030024)
出处 《世界中西医结合杂志》 2019年第4期490-492,共3页 World Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine
关键词 银屑病 细胞有丝分裂 清热解毒 克银消斑方冲剂 Psoriasis Mitosis Clearing Heat and Detoxification Keyin Xiaoban Granules
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