
商用柴油车运行时纳米冷却液的节油散热效果与作用机制 被引量:2

The Effect and Mechanism of Action of Oil Saving and Heat Dissipation of Nano-coolant for Commercial Diesel Vehicle during Operation
摘要 纳米冷却液可同时降低运行发动机的油耗和温度的原因是冷却流体的高沸点为提高气缸的燃烧效率提供了条件,以及高导热纳米粒子参与了冷却系统的动态强化散热过程,降低了动力消耗,呈现既降温亦节能的规律。对33台正在运行的商用柴油机车的调查结果统计,表明换装纳米冷却液可解决动力系统诸如"开锅""烧机油""烧缸"等高温过热问题,其夏季平均节油率:工程机械12.86%,卡车13.1%,客车3.45%;水温下降:工程机械4~13℃,均值8.5℃,不再出现水温过热报警。换装后机车的热车时间缩短以及空调制冷效率也提高。与对散热要求相对较低的客车相比,这种新型冷却液产品将对重负荷卡车或无法借助行驶自然风散热的大型工作机械等发热量更大的柴油机车辆具有更大的市场需求及经济吸引力。 Nano-coolant can reduce synchronously fuel consumption and temperature of the engine,because the high boiling point of the coolant provides conditions for increasing combustion efficiency of the cylinder,and the dynamic nano-particles with high-thermal conductivity in the fluid strengthen the heat exchange process of the cooling system and reduce the energy consumption accordingly.It shows the rule of both cooling and saving energy.The operating results of 33 commercial diesel vehicles after replacing the nano-coolant show that the coolants can solve overheating problems of the power system,such as water tank boiling,lubricating oil to burning and high temperature leading to burning cylinder and so on.Its average oil-saving rates in summer are the engineering machinery by 12.86%,the heavy truck by 13.1%and the passenger bus by 3.45%.The water temperature of the engineering machineries tank drops 4~13℃and the average is 8.5℃,and the heavy trucks don t appear water temperature overheat alarm.In addition,the engine start preheating time is shortened,and the refrigeration efficiency of the air conditioning is also improved after using the nano-coolant.Compared with passenger bus with lower heat dissipation requirements,this new cooling fluid product has greater market demand and economic appeal for vehicles with higher heat capacity such as heavy trucks or the large work machineries that can not be cooled by natural wind.
作者 罗逸 辛莎 童超 何延 徐长明 LUO Yi;XIN Sha;TONG Chao;HE Yan;XU Changming(School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Huazhong University of Science & Technology,Wuhan Hubei 430074,China;Wuhan Ucan Nano Fluid Technology Co.,Ltd.,Wuhan Hubei 430014,China)
出处 《汽车零部件》 2019年第4期66-69,共4页 Automobile Parts
关键词 商用柴油机车 节油 散热 Commercial diesel vehicles Oil-saving Heat dissipation
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