
The 7MTF:A Practical Tool to Lift Your Emotional Intelligence

摘要 The current models of emotional intelligence have limited practical appeal for business people.Salovey and Mayer's Emotional Blueprint Model was rejected by 16 of the 43 reviewers on Amazon as utter rubbish and superficial.Paul Ekman's microexpressions are real but only accurately seen and interpreted by trained experts using slow-motion filming.Daniel Goleman and his colleagues'18 element Competency Model is far too many for practical use and uses self-report tests that are notoriously unreliable and generally have limited validity.When the author first read Emotional Intelligence in 1995,he knew how to solve Goleman's problem.Goleman had developed an excellent model of emotional intelligence and why it is important;but admitted in Appendix that he did not have a model of core emotions.What he did have was a model of emotional intensity.The whole focus of the world emotional intelligence research has been on emotions occasionally spreading into moods.Researchers should be working in the reverse direction.The first person to do this was Rosanoff in 1924 who proposed a temperament model based on four mental disorders and fifth controlling factor,the Normal.In 1935,Humm and Wadsworth took Rosanoff's model and developed a personality test using factor analysis that had seven factors.The author learnt the Humm-Wadsworth Model in 1973 and used it very successfully in a sales and management career and wrote a book Empathy Selling,where the author changed the names to less pejorative terms.In 2007,the author started working full time in EQ and realised some of the mental illnesses were wrong.This led to the 2016 7MTF(Seven Motivational Temperament Factors)Model.The original Humm-Wadsworth factors of Normal,Manic,Depressive,Autistic,Paranoid,Epileptoid,and Hysteroid have been replaced with the 7MTF factors of Regulator,Socialiser,Doublechecker,Artist,Politician,Engineer,and GoGetter.Thankfully,the five most common 7MTF factors match the Five Factor Model.
出处 《Psychology Research》 2019年第4期133-155,共23页 心理学研究:英文版
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