研究了不同嫁接时间、不同嫁接方法、不同砧木年龄对金叶复叶槭嫁接成活率和生长量的影响。结果表明:不同嫁接时间处理以8月30日的嫁接成活率高,为85.9%,嫁接的越早,生长量越大。不同嫁接方法处理以"T"形芽接法的嫁接成活率最高,为87.2%,高出劈接法的14%;劈接法的新梢年平均长度和年平均直径最大,为85.5 cm和1.6 cm。不同砧木年龄处理以2年生砧木嫁接成活率最大,为86.5%,高出4年生砧木的32.5%。
The effects of different grafting time, different grafting methods and different rootstock ages on the grafting survival rate and growth of Acer negundo were studied. Result shows that the grafting survival rate of August 30 is 85.9%, and the earlier the grafting, the larger the growth. The grafting survival rate of the grafting method with the “T” shape is the highest, being 87.2%, which is 14% higher than that with splicing method. The average annual length and annual average diameter of the new shoots of the splicing method are 85.5 cm & 1.6 cm. The survival rate of 2-year-old rootstocks is the highest, being 86.5%, which is 32.5% higher than that of four-year-old rootstocks.
Wang Guochun(Erhulai Forest Farm in Hualai Town, Huanren Manchu Autonomous County, Liaoning Province, Benxi 117000, China)
Protection Forest Science and Technology