
锆钽复合药型罩EFP成型及侵彻研究 被引量:7

Investigation of EFP Forming and Penetration of Ta/Zr Double-Layered Shaped Charge Liner
摘要 应用有限元软件AUTODYN对不同内外罩厚度比的锆/钽双层药型罩进行爆炸成型弹丸的成型及侵彻仿真,得到三种锆/钽双层药型罩爆炸成型弹丸成型过程、速度以及对45#钢侵彻穿深和扩孔过程。结果表明锆/钽双层含能药型罩形成爆炸成型弹丸长径比较小,6~9倍口径炸高处爆炸成型弹丸的速度和侵彻能力最强。相同装药和炸高条件下,锆/钽层药型罩内外罩厚度比越小,形成的爆炸成型弹丸速度越小;侵彻能力越弱,扩孔能力增强。1 mmZr/3 mmTa双层药型罩较其他厚度比锆钽双层药型罩的侵彻效果更好。实验结果表明:1 mmZr/3 mmTa双层药型罩与60 mm基准罩侵彻深度和扩孔直径差距不大,具备化学反应释能特性。 The forming and penetration simulation of Zr/Ta liner with various thickness ratios of inner and outer liners were carried out by using finite element software AUTODYN. The forming process, velocity, penetration depth and perforation of 45# steel were obtained. The results showed that the length and diameter of the projectile formed by the zirconium/tantalum double-layer liner are relatively small, and the velocity and penetration ability of the projectile formed at the height of 6 to 9 times of the caliber are the strongest.Under the same charge and explosive height, the smaller the thickness ratio of inner and outer liner of Zr/Ta liner, the smaller the speed of EFP formation, the weaker the penetration ability, and the stronger the reaming ability. It can provide reference for the research of Zr/Ta double layer liner. The penetration ability of 1 mmZr/3 mmTa double-layer liner is the most outstanding. The experimental results showed that the penetration depth and the diameter expanding is almost the same of 1 mmZr/3 mmTa double-layer liner and 60 mmCu liner, but zirconium/tantalum double-layer liner can release a lot of energy.
作者 韩伟 何勇 沈晓军 王传婷 HAN Wei;HE Yong;SHEN Xiaojun;WANG Chuanting(Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China;Beijing Special Eletromechanical Research Institute, Beijing 100081, China)
出处 《兵器装备工程学报》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第4期163-167,173,共6页 Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering
关键词 双层药型罩 含能材料 爆炸成型弹丸 数值仿真 侵彻 double-layered shaped charge liner reactive material EFP numerical simulation penetration
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