
高校图书馆用户科学数据素养能力与需求调查分析 被引量:11

Investigation and Analysis of User Data Literacy Ability and Demand in University Library
摘要 在第四研究范式兴起、数据驱动科研的时代背景下,用户必须通过提高自身科学数据素养才能熟稔地运用各种科研数据,创新科技成果。选取在校本科生、硕士生及博士生,高等院校科研人员以及社会人员三类目标人群,采用问卷调查法,对用户个人信息情况、科学数据素养能力情况、科学数据素养需求情况进行调查与分析,不同目标人群问卷侧重点不同。调查显示,在能力上用户数据意识和数据知识水平较高,共享意识偏低,具有一定数据处理能力和应用能力。在需求上用户对数据搜索获取、数据分析处理以及数据交流与共享、数据处理的基础设施有较高需求。 Under the background of the rise of the fourth research paradigm and data-driven scientific research,users must improve their scientific data literacy in order to make full use of scientific research data and innovate scientific and technological achievements.Selecting students(including undergraduates,postgraduates and doctoral students),university science and education personnel and social users as the three target groups,using questionnaire survey method,the user’s personal information,scientific data literacy,scientific data literacy needs were investigated and analyzed,and the key points in questionnarie of different target groups are different.The survey shows that the ability of user data awareness and data knowledge level is high,while the sharing awareness is low,with a certain degree of data processing ability and application ability.In terms of demand,users have great demand for data retrieval,data analysis and processing,data exchange and sharing,and data infrastructure.
作者 宋甲丽 宋春健 程结晶 Song Jiali;Song Chunjian;Cheng Jiejing
出处 《图书馆学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第5期56-70,共15页 Research on Library Science
基金 国家社科基金项目"大数据时代图书馆服务体系的创新与发展研究"(项目编号:15BTQ023)阶段性成果之一
关键词 用户 科学数据素养 能力 需求 高校图书馆 user science data litercy ability requirement university library
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