Male sexually selected signals can indicate competitive ability by honestly signaling fitnessrelevant traits such as condition or performance. However, behavior can also influence contest outcomes;in particular, boldness often predicts dominance rank and mating success. Here, we sought to determi ne whether male ornament size is associated with consiste nt in dividual differences in boldness in water anoles Anol is aquaticus. We measured the relative size of the dewlap, a flap of skin under the chin that is a sexually selected ornament in Anolis lizards, and tested for associations with responses to a novel and potentially risky environment: time to emerge from a refuge into an arena and number of head sea ns post-emergence. We found that in dividuals con siste ntly differed in both time to emerge and head sea nning (i.e., in dividual resp on ses were repeatable), and that dewlap size was negatively related to nu mber of head sea ns. This suggests that orname nt size could indicate male boldness if seanning represents antipredator vigilance. We found that males that had larger relative dewlaps were also in better body condition, but boldness (i.e., head scann ing) was not related to condition. Lastly, we found con siste nt d iff ere nces in behavior betwee n trials, showing that anoles were becoming habituated or sensitized to the testing arena. Overall, our study shows that in additi on to indicating con dition and perform a nee, dewlap size could also honestly indicate male boldness in Anolis lizards.
the National Science Foundation and the Organization for Tropical Studies
which supported the authors during the Native American and Pacific Islander Research Experience (NAPIRE) at Las Cruces.