
脐带延迟结扎及脐带血挤入法对早产儿的影响 被引量:4

Effect of Delayed Umbilical Cord Ligation and Cord Blood Intrusion on Premature Infants
摘要 目的探讨脐带延迟结扎及脐带血挤入法对早产儿的影响。方法方便选择2016年11月—2017年11月于该院经阴道分娩的早产儿50例为研究对象。根据断脐方式不同分为两组,观察组25例行脐带延迟结扎或脐血挤入,对照组25例行常规早期结扎脐带法。比较两组新生儿出生后血红蛋白、红细胞压积、血糖、碱剩余、胆红素、肌酸激酶同工酶(CKMB)。结果观察组血红蛋白、红细胞压积、血糖水平、碱剩余均高于对照组[(184.44±12.37)g/L vs (152.60±12.87)g/L、(0.559±0.385)%vs (0.459±0.397)%、(3.45±0.66)mmol/L vs (2.99±0.78)mmol/L、(-3.56±2.68)mmol/L vs (-6.50±1.69)mmol/L],差异有统计学意义(t=8.917、9.041、2.237、4.631,P<0.05);对照组胆红素、CKMB水平与观察组比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论脐带延迟结扎及脐带血挤入法可有效提高早产儿血红蛋白、红细胞压积、血糖水平,减少早产儿贫血、低血糖的发生,但对高胆红素血症及心肌细胞损伤无明显影响。 Objective To investigate the effects of delayed umbilical cord ligation and cord blood intrusion on premature infants. Methods A total of 50 preterm infants who were vaginally delivered in our hospital from November 2016 to Novem-ber 2017 were enrolled. According to the different methods of umbilical cord rupture, the umbilical cord was ligated into the umbilical cord in 25 cases in the observation group. Hemoglobin, hematocrit, blood glucose, alkali residual, bilirubin, and creatine kinase isoenzyme (CKMB) were compared between the two groups. Results The hemoglobin, hematocrit, alkali residual and blood glucose levels in the observation group were higher than those in the control group [(184.44±12.37) g/L vs.(152.60±12.87) g/L,(0.559±0.385)% vs.(0.459±0.397)%,(3.45 ±0.66) mmol/L vs.(2.99 ±0.78) mmol/L,(-3.56 ±2.68) mmol / L vs.(-6.50 ±1.69) mmol / L], the difference was statistically significant ( t=8.917, 9.041, 2.237, 4.631, P<0.05);the bilirubin and CKMB levels in the control group were not significantly different from those in the observation group (P> 0.05). Conclusion Delayed umbilical cord ligation and cord blood intrusion can effectively improve hemoglobin, hematocrit and blood glucose levels in premature infants, and reduce the incidence of anemia and hypoglycemia in premature infants, but has no significant effect on hyperbilirubinemia and myocardial cell injury.
作者 陶慧娴 TAO Hui-xian(Department of Neonatology, First People's Hospital of Zhangjiagang City, Zhangjiagang, Jiangsu Province, 215600 China)
出处 《中外医疗》 2019年第8期115-117,共3页 China & Foreign Medical Treatment
关键词 早产儿 脐带延迟结扎 脐带血挤入法 Premature infant Delayed umbilical cord ligation Cord blood intrusion
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