
埋地油气管道外防腐层检测及修复探讨 被引量:1

Etection and Repair of Buried for Buried Oil and Gas Pipelines
摘要 油气管道是运输石油、天然气的一种重要途径,埋地油气管道的安全性直接影响到油气输送的安全性和稳定性。本文主要是从管道外防腐层的检测技术出发,探讨相关的修复技术。 oil and gas pipeline is an important way to transport oil and gas.The safety of buried oil and gas pipeline directly affects the safety and stability of oil and gas transportation.This article mainly starts from the detection technology of external anticorrosive coating of pipeline,and discusses related repair technology.
作者 梁作平 LIANG Zuo-ping(Daqing Oilfield Construction Refco Group Co.,Ltd.Daqing 163000,China)
出处 《全面腐蚀控制》 2019年第4期25-26,88,共3页 Total Corrosion Control
关键词 防腐层 检测 修复 anticorrosive coating detection repair
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