

An Analysis of the Effect of Non-Cognitive Ability on the Wage Increase of Enterprise Employees
摘要 对50家企业及其员工的一手调查数据进行了统计分析,并基于国际学界公认的"大五人格"模型,实证检验了非认知能力的工资增长效应。研究结果表明,员工非认知能力受多种因素的影响,个体之间差异较大;非认知能力综合指数及其各维度指标均对企业员工的工资收入有显著的积极影响,其中尽责性的工资增长效应最大;非认知能力对员工的工资收入有显著的预测作用,但其工资回报率仍略低于认知能力。 To explore the relationship between non-cognitive ability and employee's wage income,this study made a statistical analysis based on the first-hand survey data of 50 enterprises and their employees,and empirically tested the wage growth effect of non-cognitive ability based on the"Big Five Personality"model recognized by international academia.The results show that employees'non-cognitive abilities are influenced by many factors,and there are great differences among individuals.The comprehensive index of non-cognitive abilities and its various dimensions have significant positive effects on employees'wage income,among which the conscientious wage growth effect is the greatest;non-cognitive abilities have significant predictive effects on employees'wage income,but their wage return rate is still slightly lower than that of employees'cognitive ability.This study provides theoretical guidance for enterprise talent selection,talent development and management,and talent team building.
作者 李晓达 陈建成 王刚 LI Xiao-da;CHEN Jian-cheng;WANG Gang(College of Economics and Management,Beijing Forestry University,Beijing 100083,China)
出处 《中国林业经济》 2019年第3期17-19,共3页 China Forestry Economics
基金 北京市社会科学基金项目"北京市新企业绿色创业行为与制度环境的协同演化机制研究"(15JGB062) 北京林业大学科技创新计划项目"外出务工农民工返乡就业决策机制及效应研究"(2018RW22)
关键词 大五人格 非认知能力 工资收入 The five-factor model of personality non-cognitive ability salary income
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