

Administrative thought and modern values of the Political Program of Zhen Guan
摘要 行政思想是行政实践的指导依据和理论源泉,有着深厚的历史渊源并接受历史的长期检验,中国作为历史文明古国,积淀了大量的政治和行政思想。为了挖掘中国古代行政思想和行政智慧,以史为鉴,古为今用,以历史典籍《贞观政要》为蓝本,采用文本分析法、历史文献疏理法、比较论证法等研究方法,由浅入深剖析《贞观政要》深层文本中的治国理政思想和行政智慧,总结和比较贞观年间采用的具体行政措施和方法,考证《贞观政要》所记载的行政实践的历史进程和行政效能,从而解读和分析《贞观政要》所蕴含的行政思想、行政智慧和当代意蕴。研究发现,《贞观政要》蕴含着丰富的行政思想和中国智慧,如施行仁政、以民为本、按需设官、任用得人、行政追责、有效行政、权力监督与制衡等思想。结果表明:《贞观政要》的行政思想不仅适应当时的社会历史条件,提高了行政效能,缓解了社会矛盾,促进了社会经济的繁荣,甚至一度出现读书人不愿从政做官的社会现象;而且这些行政思想在历史时期具有顽强的生命力和普遍的适用性,对于今天的行政改革仍不乏启迪意义;从而为修正传统的"学而优则仕"思想提供了一个有力的例证,同时也为今天的行政改革提供参考依据和经验法则。 Administrative thought is the guidance and theoretical source of administrative management practice,and has deep historical origin subjective to long-term scrutiny as an ancient country of historical civilization,China has accumulated abundant wisdom in political and administrative management.To dig out the ancient Chinese administration thoughts and wisdom,drawing lessons from history,making the ancient serve the present,this paper used the methods of discourse analysis,historical literature analysis and comparative method to uncover the latent thought of governing the country and politics and administrative intelligence hiding in the Political Program of Zhen Guan,from the easy to the complicated.It also summarized and compared the concrete administrative measures and methods,tracking the historical progress and efficiency of these administrative practice by textual research,so as to explain and analyze the rich administrative thoughts,wisdom and its modern significance of Political Program of Zhen Guan.This research found out that the Political Program of Zhen Guan contains rich administrative thoughts and wisdom,such as implementing benevolent governance,people-oriented,official on demand,appointing the right person,administrative accountability,effective administration,power supervision and balance.The results show that these thoughts not only fit the social and historical conditions at the time,improved administrative efficiency,reduced social conflicts,but also promoted the economic prosperity,and even induced such a social phenomenon that less talents wanted to become government official,defying the traditional thinking of“he who excels in academics should serve in the government”.These traditional administrative thoughts were of vigorous power and prevalent appliances,offering enlightenment for today’s administrative reform.
作者 陈超 CHEN Chao(ZHOU Enlai School of Government,Nankai University,Tianjin 300350,China)
出处 《长安大学学报(社会科学版)》 2019年第2期49-60,共12页 Journal of Chang'an University(Social Science Edition)
关键词 《贞观政要》 行政管理 行政思想 文本分析 以民为本 Political Program of Zhen Guan administrative management administrative thought discourse analysis people-oriented
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