

A Research on Six Pages of the “Collection of Paintings and Poems about the Ten Scenic Views of Huangli”
摘要 嘉兴博物馆藏《篁里十景图咏合册》还原了新篁历史真实并展现张廷济、阙鸣珂、闵寅恭等地方先贤在书法、绘画、诗文等方面的艺术才华,具有很高的历史、艺术价值。馆藏的六帧图册见证了新篁十景之说成熟于道光辛卯(1831)年间,保留了张廷济题名的原始手迹,弥补了文献资料的缺失。篁里十景形成于张廷济引领的新篁文风鼎盛时期,徐熊飞《篁里十景记》是目前所见记载篁里十景形成最为翔实的文献资料。图册还原了新篁辉煌时期的历史风貌;融合了阙鸣珂绘画、张廷济题名、闵寅恭诗词,诗情画意,契合无间;保存了文献记载中新篁十景的六处景致。其余四帧或遭兵燹战火损坏或散佚他处,颇为遗憾。 The“Collection of Paintings and Poems about the Ten Scenic Views of Huangli”in Jiaxing Museum restores the history of Xinhuang and demonstrates the artistic talents of the local scholars such as Zhang Tingji,Que Mingke,Min Yingong and so on at that time in calligraphy,painting,poetry,etc.,thus having high historical and artistic value.The six pages of the collection has witnessed the development of the“ten scenic views of Xinhuang”,which was completed in the Xinmao year during Daoguang period(1831).Zhang Tingji s handwriting of the title has been retained in this collection,making up for the lack of literature.The ten scenic views of Huangli was formed in the prosperous period of Xinhuang literary style led by Zhang Tingji.Xu Xiongfei s“Ten Scenic Views in Huangli”is the most detailed and accurate existing record of the development of these ten views.The collection restores the historical features of Xinhuang s glory days;it combines Que Mingke s paintings,Zhang Tingji s handwriting of the title and Min Yingong s poems with the affinity of poetry and painting;it saves the records of six scenic views of the ten,while the lost four pages of the views may be damaged by the war or scattered elsewhere,which is a pity.
作者 许彩云 Xu Caiyun(Jiaxing Museum,Jiaxing,Zhejiang 314050)
机构地区 嘉兴博物馆
出处 《嘉兴学院学报》 2019年第3期21-28,共8页 Journal of Jiaxing University
关键词 新篁 十景 张廷济 阙鸣珂 闵寅恭 Xinhuang ten scenic views Zhang Tingji Que Mingke Min Yingong








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