Xuexin Duan received his PhD degree at University of Twente,Netherland(2010).A??er Postdoc studies at Yale University,he moved to Tianjin University.Currently,he is a full professor at State Key Laboratory of Precision Measuring Technology&Instruments,Department of Precision Instrument Engineering of Tianjin University.His Research is about MEMS/NEMS devices,Microsystem,Micro?uidics and their interfaces with Chemistry,Biology,Medicine,and Environmental science.He has published more than 70 peer-reviewed research ar??cles in top research journals and applied/issued 20 US and Chinese patents.He has been awarded as Na??onal 1000 Plan Professorship for Young Talents(2014),Outstanding Youth Funds of Tianjin(2017),and Young Scien??st of World Economic Forum(2018).