The securities registration and settlement determines whether the purpose of securities trading can be realized, and it is essentially a credit mechanism for securities trading. Credit risk is mainly solved by the Central Securities Depository(CSD), which is the joint counterparty of the buyer and seller, responsible for securities settlement and bears credit risk. The principle of Delivery Versus Payment(DVP) is conducive to the maintenance of the interests of the parties to the securities settlement, and can greatly save costs and reduce risks. The CSD model has low efficiency and large credit risk, and the legal relationship is complicated, and DVP is difficult to achieve. Distributed Ledger Technology(DLT) is a decentralized database technology."Peer-to-peer"delivers information quickly and transparently. It is the best choice to reshape the securities credit mechanism. Some national capital markets have begun to use DLT technology to transform their securities registration and settlement systems, which should also become the reform direction of China’s capital market.
Law and Economy