
1990年-2017年国际胰腺病学领域最具影响力的100篇文献分析 被引量:2

An analysis of the 100 most influential articles in the field of pancreatic diseases in the world from 1990 to 2017
摘要 目的明确并分析1990年-2017年国际上胰腺疾病领域被引次数最多的前100篇文献。方法在Web of Science数据库中,以"pancreatology,pancreatitis,pancreatic,or pancreas"为主题词检索筛选出1990年1月1日-2017年9月2日胰腺病学被引次数最多的前100篇文献,并从被引次数、国家、出版年份、研究机构、期刊、作者、研究主题和研究类型等方面进行分析。结果所纳入的100篇文献中,被引次数最多为1288次,最少为233次。被发表在42个具有较大影响力的期刊上,其中载文量最高为《Gastroenterology》(n=11),其次为《Annals of Surgery》(n=8)和《Cancer Research》(n=7)。文献作者绝大多数来自美国(n=50)。在研究主题方面,胰腺肿瘤相关文献量居第1位(n=30),急性胰腺炎居第2位(n=29),自身免疫性胰腺炎和慢性胰腺炎并列第3位(n=9)。61篇为临床研究,19篇为基础研究,10篇为综述,8篇为指南和共识,2篇为其他类型。结论本研究明确了近20多年以来国际上胰腺疾病领域被引次数最多的文献,并分析了胰腺疾病领域的研究趋势,有利于对将来该领域的研究提供有价值的参考。 Objective To investigate the 100 most cited articles in the field of pancreatic diseases in the world from 1990 to 2017. Methods The Web of Science was used to search for the 100 most cited articles on pancreatic diseases published from January 1,1990 to September 2,2017,with pancreatology,pancreatitis,pancreatic,and pancreas as the keywords,and these articles were analyzed from the aspects of the number of times cited,country,publication year,research institute,journal,author,research topic,and type of research. Results The number of times cited of these 100 articles ranged from 233 to 1288. They were published in 42 influential journals;among these articles,11 were published in Gastroenterology,8 were published in Annals of Surgery,and 7 were published in Cancer Research. The authors of 50 articles came from the U.S. As for the research topic,there were 30 articles on pancreatic cancer,29 articles on acute pancreatitis,9 articles on autoimmune pancreatitis,and 9 articles on chronic pancreatitis. As for the type of research,61 articles were clinical studies,19 were basic scientific studies,10 were reviews,8 were guidelines and consensus statements,and 2 belonged to other types. Conclusion Our study identifies the most frequently cited articles in recent years and analyzes the research trends in the field of pancreatic diseases,which provide a reference for further research in this field.
作者 彭莉 彭燕 汤小伟 唐川康 陈霞 马雨凡 蒲垠全 PENG Li;PENG Yan;TANG Xiaowei(Department of Gastroenterology,The Affiliated Hospital of Southwest Medical University,Luzhou,Sichuan 646000,China)
出处 《临床肝胆病杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第5期1027-1031,共5页 Journal of Clinical Hepatology
基金 国家自然科学基金(81600420)
关键词 胰腺疾病 数据库 文献型 文献计量学 pancreatic diseases databases,bibliographic bibliometrics
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