

Bibliometric Analysis and Investigation of Research Practice on Crime of Illegal Operation
摘要 作为刑法修订后变动最多的罪名,非法经营罪逐渐成为近年来法学界的研究热点之一。从文献综述角度考察,在研究总量上,国内目前关于非法经营的研究文献较多,研究较热;在研究的时间分布上,非法经营的理论研究起步于1997年,从2000年以后呈现出稳步上升的态势;在发表文献的来源、作者分布及数量上,司法实务部门呈现出与纯学术研究人员平分秋色的状况;在研究内容上,对非法经营罪第四项的研究所占比重较大。从实务角度考察,实务部门对该罪的关注不仅通过撰写学术论文的方式,还有很多实务部门之间的经验交流与调研,也包括在个案处理与适用上以呈请或发函的方式向上级机关及相关司法部门提出困惑,寻求指导,这些均能够反映出该罪在法律适用中存在的巨大争议。 In recent years, the crime of illegal operation has gradually become one of the hot topics in the jurisprudential circle, which has changed most after the revision of the criminal law. From the perspective of literature review, there are many literatures about illegal operation in the total amount in China;In the temporal distribution, the research of illegal operation started in 1997, and showed a steady upward trend after 2000;In terms of sources, authors’distribution and quantity, the judicial practice department shows the same situation as pure academic researchers;In terms of research content, the proportion of fourth paragraphs studies on this crime is larger. From the practical point of view, the attention of the practice department to this crime is not only through the writing of academic papers, but also the exchange of experience and practical investigation, as well as put forward bewilderment and seek guidance to the higher authorities and the relevant judicial departments in the form of petition or sending letters in the case handling and application. All these can reflect the great controversy of the crime in the application of law.
作者 邵贞 蔡新良 SHAO Zhen;CAI Xin-liang(Department of Criminal Investigation, Nanjing Forest Police College, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210023, China;Pukou Branch of Nanjing Public Security Bureau, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210000, China)
出处 《通化师范学院学报》 2019年第5期89-95,共7页 Journal of Tonghua Normal University
基金 2016年江苏省高校“青蓝工程”资助项目
关键词 非法经营 文献计量分析 实务考察 illegal operation bibliometric analysis practical investigation
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