
面向作战任务的云资源统一规划与动态重组技术 被引量:13

Unified Planning and Dynamic Reorganization Technologies for Mission-Oriented Cloud Resources
摘要 针对云平台资源管理和使用与作战需求和任务系统部署相脱节问题,提出了基于典型作战任务的资源分配、面向作战任务资源的运行态呈现及基于任务优先级的资源动态重组和调度等技术,从资源池化、分配模板化、任务资源视图化以及资源调整动态化等角度解决问题,以支撑未来作战应用系统在云环境下的快速构建和稳定运行。最后,设计了一套面向作战任务的云资源统一规划与动态重组原型软件,并通过仿真试验验证了该技术的正确性和合理性。 Aimed at the disconnection among the resource management and use of cloud platform, the operational requirements and the mission system deployment, the technologies of the resource allocation based on the typical combat missions, the resource operation status presentation for combat missions, and the resource dynamic reorganization and scheduling based on the task priorities are proposed. The problems are solved from the perspectives of resource pooling, allocation template, task resource visualization and resource scheduling dynamics to support the rapid construction and stable operation for future combats. Finally, a prototype software of cloud resources unified planning and dynamic reorganization for combat missions is proposed, and the correctness and rationality of the technique are verified by the simulation test.
作者 何锡点 崔隽 刘祥 黄俊松 HE Xidian;CUI Jun;LIU Xiang;HUANG Junsong(The 28th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, Nanjing 210007, China)
出处 《指挥信息系统与技术》 2019年第2期34-38,共5页 Command Information System and Technology
基金 装备发展部中国电科联合基金资助项目
关键词 作战任务 任务资源视图化 云资源规划 云资源重组 combat mission task resource visualization cloud resource planning cloud resource reorganization
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