
德国对“16+1合作”的若干疑虑探讨 被引量:1

Probe into German Several Doubts on “16+1” Cooperation
摘要 2014年中国—中东欧国家"16+1合作"机制启动后取得丰硕成果,中东欧国家包括欧盟许多国家从中受益匪浅。与此同时,欧盟一些国家特别是德国对其也存在许多疑虑,担心"16+1合作"会增加中国对中东欧的影响,影响德国地缘政治利益,削弱甚至"分裂欧盟"。结合理论分析和外交决策实践,以及德国政府、外交部、执政党和其他党派的文件报告,综合欧盟政策研究学者的观点,深入研究德国对"16+1合作"疑虑的表现及引发疑虑的深层原因,提出应对建议,希望通过各种努力有效大幅减少德国的担忧,助力"16+1合作"成为中欧、中德双赢的典范。 After the launch of the 16+1 cooperation mechanism between China and the Central and Eastern European(CEE) countries in 2014, a lot of fruitful results has been achieved, and many countries in Central and Eastern European,also the European Union, have benefited a lot. At the same time, some countries in the European Union, especially Germany, have many doubts about it. They worry that 16+1 cooperation will increase China’s influence on CEE countries and affect Germany’s geopolitical interests, and weaken or even "split the EU". This paper combines theoretical analysis and foreign policy decision-making, through the documents of the German government, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the ruling party and other parties, comprehensively analyzes the views of EU policy research scholars, and deeply analyzes the performance of Germany’s doubts about 16 +1 cooperation and raises these doubts. The underlying reasons, and put forward suggestions for the response. I hope that through various efforts to weaken Germany’s concerns, 16+1 cooperation will become a model for a win-win situation between China and Europe.
作者 李文红 Li Wenhong
机构地区 北京外国语大学
出处 《黑河学刊》 2019年第3期71-76,共6页 Heihe Journal
关键词 “16+1合作” 中东欧 德国 16+1 cooperation CEE countries Germany
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  • 2Richard TurcsOnyi, " Central and Eastern Europe's Courtship with China: Trojan Horse within the EU?" in European Institute for Asian Stuides, January 2014.
  • 3Marcin Kaczmarski and Jakub Jak6bowski, "China on Central - Eastern Europe: ' 16 + 1 ' as seen from Beijing", in OSW Commentary, No. 166, April 2015.
  • 4Jasminka Simic, "The Economic Belt of the New Silk Road: Chinese Breakthrough in the West or a Response to Asian Challenges ", in International Problem, No. 2 - 3, 2015.
  • 5商务部欧洲司网站统计数据,http://ozs.mofcom.gov.cn/article/zojmgx/date/.
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  • 7.《中国一中东欧国家合作贝尔格莱德纲要(全文)》,参见新华网2014年12月17日,http://news.xinhuanet.corn/world/2014-12/17/c-1113667695.htm.
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  • 9Rafak TuszyfLski, '" Polish Perspectives on CEE - China 16 + 1 Cooperation: the Unexpected Ukraine Factor", in Europolity, Vol. 9, No. 1, 2015.
  • 10Karl - Heinz Kamp, " The Agenda of the NATO Summit in Warsaw", in Seurity Policy Working Paper, No. 9, 2015.











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