
基于扎根理论的大学生学业危机研究 被引量:1

Study on Academic Failure of Undergraduate Based on Grounded Theory——Multi-Case Study of Applied Colleges and Universities
摘要 近十年来,大学生学业危机越来越受到国内高校的关注。相比国外发达国家,国内研究还很薄弱,应对措施简单而落后。文章首先基于多重个案访谈与观察,运用质性研究的扎根理论分析与探索这一复杂现象,归纳大学生学业危机的五种基本类型及特征,继而从个人、家庭、学校和社会四个层面分析影响大学生学业危机的主客观因素,最后提出高校应对大学生学业危机的三条策略,即早警醒、帮到底、精致帮。 In recent ten years,the academic failure of undergraduate has attracted more and more attention in domestic colleges and universities.Compared with foreign developed countries,domestic research is still weak and the response measures are simple and backward.Multiple case interviews and observation,this paper bases on using the grounded theory of qualitative research to study and explore the complex phenomenon,summarizes the five basic types of academic failure and analyzes its characteristics,then respectively from individuals,families,schools and the social four aspects explains the subjective and objective factors that affect college students’ academic failure,finally the paper puts forward three strategies to deal with college academic failure namely,early warning,Comprehensive help,precision management.
作者 王兰香 WANG Lan-xiang(Nanjing Xiaozhuang University,Nanjing,Jiangsu 211171,China)
机构地区 南京晓庄学院
出处 《教育教学论坛》 2019年第21期82-84,共3页 Education And Teaching Forum
基金 南京晓庄学院2016年教育教学改革研究课题重点项目"大学生学业预警体系的构建与实践"
关键词 学业危机 扎根理论 类型与特征 影响因素 academic failure grounded theory type and characteristics influencing factors
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