
牙龈退缩的病因和临床治疗进展 被引量:8

Progress in clinical treatment and etiology of gingival recession
摘要 牙龈退缩是口腔临床常见症状之一。牙龈退缩引起的牙周软组织缺损及其带来的与美学、修复、正畸治疗有关的问题越来越受到重视。本文基于牙龈退缩的病因、分类和治疗三个方面作一综述,为牙龈退缩的诊治提供参考。牙齿的解剖特征差异、细菌病毒感染、创伤、刷牙方式不当等因素都有可能导致牙龈退缩。Miller分类为目前最常用的分类标准,根据牙龈退缩与膜龈联合的关系以及邻面牙槽骨或牙间乳头的丧失情况分为4类。现有的冠向复位瓣术、侧向转位瓣术及上皮下结缔组织移植术等膜龈手术对MillerⅠ类和Ⅱ类牙龈退缩已能获得较为满意的效果;对Ⅲ类牙龈退缩的术后疗效欠佳,只能达到部分根面覆盖;Ⅳ类牙龈退缩时手术治疗无法达到根面覆盖。对于重度牙周炎导致的MillerⅣ类牙龈退缩的患者,手术治疗效果差,亦可考虑义龈等修复方法。近年来,多种生物材料联合应用于牙龈退缩的膜龈手术治疗中,如牙釉质基质衍生物、同种异体移植脱细胞真皮基质、猪胶原基质和富血小板纤维蛋白等,这些生物材料的使用可提高根面覆盖率、或增加牙龈厚度及角化龈宽度,或避免了对腭区取瓣手术,降低了手术风险,增加了患者的依从性。 Gingival recession is one of the common oral symptoms. Periodontal soft tissue defects caused by gingival recession and problems related to aesthetics, prosthetics and orthodontic treatment have garnered increasing attention.This article reviews the etiology, classification and treatment of gingival recession to provide a reference for the diagnosis and treatment of gingival recession. Anatomical characteristics of teeth, bacterial and viral infection, Occlusion trauma, Improperbrushing methods and other daily behaviors and iatrogenic factors may lead to gingival recession. Miller classification is the most commonly used classification standard. It is divided into 4 degrees according to the relationship between gingival recession and the association between the gingival membrane and the loss of adjacent alveolar bone or interdental papilla. Gingival surgeries, such as coronally advanced flap, laterally positioned flap, subepithelial degrees and Ⅱ gingival recession retreat, obtain a more satisfactory success rate. Regarding the Ⅲ degree gingival recession, the postoperative curative effect is poor and can only cover part of the root. Regarding Ⅳ degrees gingival recession, surgery cannot reach the root surface coverage. For patients with Miller Ⅳgingival recession caused by severe periodontitis, the surgical treatment is poor, and repair methods, such as sputum, can also be considered. In recent years, a variety of biological materials have been jointly applied to gingival surgery, such as tooth enamel matrix derivative(EMD), allograft acellular dermal matrix(ADM), porcine collagen matrix(PCM) and plateletrich fibrin(PRF). The use of these biomaterials can improve root coverage, increase gingival thickness and keratinized gingival width, avoid the requirement of palatal flap removal, reduce the surgical risk and increase patient compliance.
作者 陆丽珠 丘洪添 蔡秋云 周薇 LU Lizhu;QIU Hongtian;CAI Qiuyun;ZHOU Wei(Department of Periodontology,Shenzhen Stomatological Hospital of Southern Medical University, Shenzhen 518000, China;Implant Division , Shenzhen Stomatological Hospital of Southern Medical University, Shenzhen 518000, China)
出处 《口腔疾病防治》 2019年第5期331-336,共6页 Journal of Prevention and Treatment for Stomatological Diseases
基金 南方医科大学科研启动计划立项项目(PY2018N107)
关键词 牙龈退缩 Miller分类 根面覆盖 膜龈手术 牙釉质基质衍生物 脱细胞真皮基质 Gingival recession Miller classification Root coverage Mucogingival surgery Tooth enamel ma-trix derivative Acellular dermal matrix
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