
欧盟的危机政治:多重约束下的政治突围 被引量:4

Crisis Politics in the EU: Political Breakthrough against Multiple Constraints
摘要 过去十年间的多重危机是欧盟经历的第一次真正意义上的生死考验。然而主流的欧洲一体化理论和欧盟法律研究无法为我们理解这一阶段的欧盟政治变迁提供一个恰当的分析框架。鉴于欧盟危机出现的常态化趋势,本文认为,学界应走出一体化和法律研究的传统路径而将危机本身及危机中的政治运作作为欧盟政治研究的一个全新维度。欧盟的危机政治主要产生于法律规则、价值理念、民意诉求与政治需要之间的矛盾。这三对矛盾又催生了"策略性容忍违法行为""威权式合法化""组织化的伪善"和"政治隐匿"等形态各异的危机政治模式。虽然这些政治模式能够暂时缓解欧盟面临的生存危机,却为欧盟体制的长远稳定埋下了隐患。更重要的是,欧盟的危机政治促使我们反思"危机推动欧洲一体化"及"欧洲一体化是不可逆的政治进程"这两个重要的传统认识的合理性。 It is the first time that the EU has ever been encountered with an existential test when it was undergoing the multi-crises in the last decade. However, both traditional theories of European integration and EU legal studies have failed to provide an appropriate and coherent analytical framework for us to fully understand the essence of the present political and institutional changes. Given the increasingly clearer indications of the EU being stuck in perpetual crisis, the author argues that EU studies should be freed from these traditional frameworks and redirected towards crisis politics. To put it more precisely, the crisis politics of the EU is derived mainly from the contradictions between legal rules, values and public opinions on one side and political necessities on the other. These contradictions contribute to various modes of crisis politics, represented by “strategic tolerance of violations”,“authoritarian legitimization”,“organized hypocrisy” and “political secrecy”. However, this paper believes that crisis politics may aggravate rather than manage these crises in the long run despite its short-term effect in alleviating the crisis. What is more important is that crisis politics helps us rethink the reasonableness of some of the widely accepted arguments such as “European integration promoted by crisis” and the “irreversibility of European integration”.
作者 张亚宁 ZHANG Yaning
机构地区 柏林自由大学
出处 《欧洲研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第2期1-22,I0003,共23页 Chinese Journal of European Studies
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