
英国海景特征评估方法研究 被引量:3

The Research of Seascape Character Assessment
摘要 由于全球化影响,城乡一体化建设,我国已产生了地域特色消失、城市建设千篇一律等众多问题。同时,过快的滨海景观建设使得这些问题更加严重地暴露于海岸带景观中。新时代的风景园林,海岸带建设已成为沿海城市发展的重要内容,如何能够营造具有地域景观特征的海岸带景观,成为了沿海城市生态文明建设的重要一部分。英国风景特征评估是对某个特定区域的风景园林特征进行认知的基本方法,由于海岸带自然因素作用的特殊性,欧洲建立了更加适应海岸带风景特征的描述评估体系。本文通过对海岸风景特征评估体系的评估目标、评估原则、评估步骤等方面进行详细解读,结合海岸风景特征评估实践案例进行分析,梳理出整个评估方法及其应用方式,以期对我国海岸带生态空间建设提供参考。 Because of the impact of globalization and urbanrural integration, many problems have arisen in China, such as the disappearance of regional features and the monotony of urban construction. At the same time, the rapid construction of coastal landscape makes these problems more seriously exposed to coastal landscape. The construction of coastal zones has become an important part of the development of coastal cities in the new era. How to build coastal landscapes with regional landscape features has become an important part of the construction of ecological civilization of coastal cities. Landscape Character Assessment is a basic method for the recognition of landscape features in a specific region. Due to the particularity of natural factors in coastal zones, England has established a description and assessment system that is more suitable for coastal landscape features. In this paper, through detailed interpretation of the assessment objectives, principles and procedures of Seascape Character Assessment, combined with the practical cases of coastal landscape feature evaluation, sort out the entire evaluation method and its application, in order to provide reference for the construction of coastal space in China.
作者 霍曼菲 朱建宁 HUOManfei;ZHU Jianning
出处 《住区》 2019年第2期139-144,共6页 Design Community
关键词 景观 海岸带 风景特征 风景特征评估 landscape coastal area seascape character seascapecharacter
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