
基于综合防灾规划的弹性城市评价体系对比研究 被引量:2

Comparative Study on Elastic City Evaluation System Based on Integrated Disaster Prevention Planning
摘要 弹性城市评价体系是根据自身的评价系统,科学和动态地评价弹性城市的建设和发展情况。目前,世界上主要有五种弹性城市评价体系,美国对此研究相对较多。我国对弹性城市评价体系的研究正处于探索和前进阶段,并且出现了实证分析。文章采用文献研究法、对比分析法,分析了每种弹性城市评价体系的基本内容、运行机制,对五种弹性城市评价体系在七个维度上进行了对比研究,综合其各自的优缺点,进而指导中国不同等级城市选择适用的弹性城市评价体系,促进城市防灾规划的发展。 Elastic city evaluation system is the scientific and dynamic evaluation of the elasticity of urban construction and development situation.Currently,there are mainly five types of elastic city evaluation system in the world.The USA has carried on a lot of research on this aspect,while in China it is in the stage of exploration and moving forward with empirical analysis.This paper adopts literature research and comparative analysis,analyzes the basic contents and operating system of five types of elastic city evaluation system,compares and studies five types of city elastic evaluation system from seven dimensions,and then concludes their respective advantages and disadvantages,with a view to guide China’s cities of different grade to choose suitable elastic evaluation system and promote the development of urban disaster prevention plan.
作者 赵婉君 谷溢 Zhao Wanjun;Gu yi(Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou Henan 450000,China)
机构地区 郑州大学
出处 《城市建筑》 2019年第3期52-53,56,共3页 Urbanism and Architecture
关键词 弹性城市 评价体系 防灾发展 elastic city evaluation system development of disaster prevention
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