
“他者”的凝视——论后人文主义语境下的动物问题研究 被引量:3

The Gaze of the“Other”——The Animal Studies in the Context of Post-Humanism
摘要 "后人文主义"是近年来席卷西方学术界的热门话题。后人文主义伴随着人文主义的危机而来,是对人文主义的反思和批判,旨在重新塑造人类与非人世界之间的关系。在后人文主义思潮的影响下,动物(人-动物关系)研究成为了当代文化和理论中的核心问题之一。在人类中心主义的传统中,人类始终占据人-动物这组关系中的主导地位,动物是外在于人类的他者。随着后人文主义观念的兴起,人类对于自我身份的认同出现了危机,人与动物之间的界限也日渐模糊。本文通过考察阿甘本、德里达、德勒兹、哈拉维等当代哲学家对于动物问题的思考,揭示出动物性话语始终是人类建构自我身份的工具,当代的动物问题研究难以摆脱人类中心主义的幽灵。不过,动物话语的兴起有助于我们更好的认识和理解他者性的问题,可以为当代的文学研究提供全新的理论框架和批评话语。动物研究不仅需要跨学科的合作和整合,还需要跨文化的视角,中国古代独特的生态观能够为当代的动物问题研究提供丰富的理论资源。 "Post-humanism"is a hot topic that has swept the western academia in recent years.As the reflection and criticism of humanism,posthumanism aimed at reshaping the relationship between human and nonhuman.Under the influence of posthumanism line of thought,animal studies became one of the central topics in the contemporary culture and theory.In the tradition of anthropocentrism,human was always dominant in the relationship between man and animal,and the animal is the other external to human.With the rise of posthumanism,a crisis emerged for the identity of human,and the boundaries between human and animals became increasingly blurred.This paper,by examining the thinking on animals by contemporary philosophers like Agamben,Derrida,Deleuze and Haraway,revealed that animal discourse is always a tool for human to construct itself,and it is difficult for contemporary animal studies to get rid of the specter of anthropocentrism.However,the discourse of animals helped to understand the issue of“otherness”,which could offer a new theoretical framework and critical discourse for contemporary literary study.Animal studies requires interdisciplinary cooperation and integration,and also needs transcultural perspectives.The unique ancient ecological view in China could provide abundant theoretical resources for contemporary animal studies.
作者 李俐兴 LI Li-xing(School of Humanities,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou,Zhejiang,310028)
出处 《新疆大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2019年第3期105-113,共9页 Journal of Xinjiang University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社科基金项目"‘后理论’的文学转向及其意义研究"(15BZW003)
关键词 后人文主义 人类中心主义 动物问题 他者 跨文化 Posthumanism Anthropocentrism the Issue of Animal The Other Transculture
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  • 1信慧敏.《千万别丢下我》的后人类书写[J].当代外国文学,2012,33(4):129-136. 被引量:16
  • 2陈剑澜.《生态主义话语:生态哲学与文学批评》[A].见王宁主编.《文学理论前言》(第一辑)[C].北京大学出版社,2004年版.5页.
  • 3《圣经》,中国基督教协会印发,南京,1996年,第40页.
  • 4弗洛伊德.《性学三论》,见弗氏著、滕守尧译:《性爱与文明》(合肥:安徽文艺出版社,1987)第119页.
  • 5路易斯·加乐尔.《阿丽思漫游奇境记》,赵元任译.北京:商务印书馆,2002年.
  • 6梅尔维尔.《白鲸》,成时译.北京:人民文学出版社,2001年.
  • 7For discussion of "theory", see Jonathan Culler, Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press, 1997, chapter 1. There now exists a new edition with a revised bibliography and new final chapter, "Ethics and Aesthetics", pub- lished in 2011.
  • 8For some discussions of the current situation of theory see Derek Attridge and Jane Elliott, eds. , Theory after Theory, Routledge, 2010.
  • 9Jonathan Culler, " ' Critical Paradigms' , Introduction to ' Literary Criticism for the 21st Century' ", in PMLA, vol. 125, No. 4, October 2010, and also the new final chapter of Culler, Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford Universi- ty Press, revised edition, 2011.
  • 10See Vicki Hearne, Adam's Task, Knopf, 1986. For "being with animals", see Donna Haraway, When Species Meet, Minnesota, 2007.









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