
国有资本划转社保基金:多元视角、互动机理与利益协调机制构建 被引量:16

Transferring State-owned Capital into Social Security Fund:Multi-perspective, Interactive Mechanism and Interest Coordination Mechanism Construction
摘要 国有资本划转与社保公平性实现、国资国企改革、社保制度优化、资本市场完善以及共建共享发展之间具有多方面内在的互动调节效应,涉及多元利益格局调整和重塑,应探索构建国资划转特定目标和长期制度安排之间衔接、国资划转中央与地方利益之间均衡、国资划转与国资国企改革发展之间统筹、国资划转与社保基金监管之间协调、国资划转与社保制度完善优化之间平衡、国资划转与资本市场稳定发展之间联动等多维的利益协调机制,以推动国有资本划转的更高质量实施和建立社保基金治理的长效机制。 The transfer of state-owned capital and the realization of social security equity,the reform of state-owned enterprises,the optimization of social security system,the perfection of capital market and the co-construction and sharing of development have many inherent and interactive regulating effects,which involve the adjustment and remodeling of the multi-interest pattern.We should explore the linkages between the specific objectives of the transfer of state-owned capital and the long-term institutional arrangements,the balance between the central and local interests of the transfer of state-owned capital,and the state-owned interests of the central and local governments.In order to promote the implementation of the transfer of state-owned capital in a higher quality and establish a long-term mechanism for the governance of social security funds,we should coordinate the transfer of state-owned capital with the reform and development of state-owned enterprises,coordinate the transfer of state-owned capital with the supervision of social security funds,balance the transfer of state-owned capital with the improvement and optimization of social security system,and link the transfer of state-owned capital with the stable development of capital market.
作者 李培 丁少群 LI Pei;DING Shao-qun
出处 《改革》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第5期148-159,共12页 Reform
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"社会养老保险基金财务平衡的内生机制与政策框架研究"(16BJL110) 重庆市社会科学规划项目"重庆国有资本划转社保基金的障碍及运作模式研究"(2017YBJJ038) 中央高校基本科研跨学科创新实验团队项目"国有资本划转社保基金的规模测算与机制创新研究"(JBK1707206)
关键词 国有资本 社保基金 利益协调机制 国有企业改革 state-owned capital social security fund interest coordination mechanism reform of state-owned enterprises
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