
欧盟信用评级机构最新监管草案研究及启示 被引量:6

Study on the Latest Regulation Draft of EU Credit Rating Agencies and Its Enlightenment
摘要 2008年金融危机后,欧盟委员会正式启动欧盟信用评级机构监管立法工作,于2009年出台《欧盟信用评级机构监管法规》(Regulation No1060/2009),经过多次修订并引入新制度补充完善,欧盟信用评级监管框架趋于健全、规范。我国可以借鉴欧盟最新评级机构监管法规及监管实施思路,尽快完善信用评级监管法规体系,推行内外部评级双轨运行模式,同时从评级机构内部风险控制、信息披露等入手,统一规范执业标准,推动我国信用评级行业稳步健康发展。 After the financial crisis in 2008, the European Commission formally launched the regulatory legislation on credit rating agencies in the EU. In 2009, the commission issued the EU Regulatory Law for Credit Rating Agencies (Regulation No. 1060/2009). After many revisions and the introduction of new systems, the regulatory framework on credit rating agencies in the EU tends to be sound and normative. It’ s necessary for China to draw lessons from the latest EU regulations and regulatory implementation ideas for rating agencies, set up complete credit rating regulatory system as soon as possible, carry out internal and external rating double-track operating model. At the same time, we should establish unified regulatory professional standards from the perspective of rating agencies internal risk control and information disclosure, so as to promote the steady and healthy development of the credit rating industry in China.
作者 孔婷 刘莉 Kong Ting;Liu Li(Urumqi Central Sub-branch of the People’s Bank of China, Urumqi 830000, Xinjiang,China;Turpan City Sub-branch of the People’s Bank of China, Turpan 838000, Xinjiang,China)
出处 《征信》 北大核心 2019年第4期68-71,共4页 Credit Reference
关键词 欧盟 信用评级 评级机构 监管 EU credit rating rating agencies regulation
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