
孕期血清维生素A E对胎膜早破的影响

Correlation of serum vitamin A,E levels with premature rupture of membranes
摘要 目的探讨维生素A、E水平与胎膜早破发病间相关性。方法 2016年10月1日至12月31日在西电集团医院产科门诊产检并分娩的孕妇1 047名,其中并发胎膜早破185例,从中选取产检检测维生素A、E,且分娩前发生胎膜早破患者80例;另外,随机筛选同期正常分娩患者80例,作为对照组对比。结果胎膜早破患者孕期血清维生素A、E水平均略低于健康对照组,但差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论胎膜早破的发病率与孕期内维生素A、E水平无明显相关性。 Objective To investigate the correlation between vitamin A and E levels and the incidence of premature rupture of membranes.Methods From October 1,2016 to December 31,2016,1 047 pregnant women were examined and delivered in the outpatient department of obstetrics of Xidian Group Hospital.Among them,185 cases were complicated with premature rupture of membranes,80 patients with premature rupture of membranes before delivery were selected for prenatal examination to detect vitamin A and E.In addition,80 cases of normal labor at the same period were randomly selected as the control group.Results Serum vitamin A and E levels of patients with premature rupture of membranes during pregnancy were slightly lower than those of the normal control group. Conclusion There was no significant correlation between the incidence of premature rupture of membranes and the levels of vitamin A and E during pregnancy.
作者 周燕 何淑莹 任红莲 Zhou Yan;He Shuying;Ren Honglian.(Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics,Xidian Group Hospital,Xi′an 710077,China)
出处 《山西医药杂志》 CAS 2019年第9期1007-1009,共3页 Shanxi Medical Journal
基金 国家卫生计生委医药卫生科技发展研究中心项目(W2015CAE074)
关键词 维生素A 维生素E 色谱法 高压液相 胎膜早破 Vitamin A Vitamin E Chromatography,high pressure liquid Fetal,membranes premature rupture
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