In the Political Debate occurred in the Early Republican China,the intellectuals of the Progressive Partyre represented by Liang Qichao considered the Justice Journal as their front and held a conservative political position. On the one hand,they opposed radical civil rights activists represented by many revolutionaries. On the other hand,they attempted to guide the bureaucratic force led by Yuan Shikai. They claimed limited political participation,asked for political confrontation between different political forces,and also advocated the spirit of enlightened despotism. As for the choice of a particular political system,they accepted a limited kind of cabinet system and gave up the ideal of Party Cabinet,which meant that they wanted to reserve some power for the president-Yuan Shikai. They also claimed for the balance of powers between the administrative department and the parliament,and objected the unlimited expansion of power by any one of them. With these moderate political opinions, the intellectuals of the Progressive Party provided an ideal path for the political transformation in the Early Republican China. Although it hadn’t been put into practice,it still has an important significance for us.
Journal of the History of Political Thought
the intellectuals of the Progressive Party
"moderate political thought"
"limited cabinet system"
balance of powers