
正当防卫中法益衡量问题的客观归责之解 被引量:6

The Objective Imputation Solution to the Problem of Legal Interest Weighingin Justifiable Defense
摘要 关于正当防卫中的法益衡量存在三种立场:(一)正当防卫在任何情况下都不进行法益衡量;(二)正当防卫应进行全面法益衡量;(三)正当防卫"原则上"不进行法益衡量,但在法益严重失衡时应进行"离谱"控制。第三种立场在结果妥当性上有优势,既成为德国通说,也为我国有力学说所认可。但在正当防卫理论资源内,个人视角只能有效证立第一种立场,且蕴含着"敌人"视角的危险倾向;超个人视角在立场选择上实与之殊途同归,且说服力稍逊。德国刑法通过"话题转向"在刑法释义学体系外实现了对第三种立场的维护,但该方案不适用于我国的立法现状。在指出单层归责路径的逻辑问题后,本文摒弃了将归责原则视为正当防卫理论的附庸的做法,立足于双层归责路径的考察以及对防卫归责关系的类型化分析,将第三种立场的证立建立在客观归责与正当防卫两种独立理论工具的相互补充上,从而实现"原则"与"例外"在刑法释义学体系内的共存,并给出了法益严重失衡的"防卫行为"的具体解决方案。 There are three standpoints on the measurement of legal interest in justifiable defense:(1) legal interest measurement should not be carried out in justifiable defense under any circumstances;(2) legal interest measurement should be carried out in a comprehensive manner in justifiable defense;(3) measurement of legal interests should not be allowed in justifiable defense "in principle",but should be allowed when legal interests are seriously unbalanced.The third position has the advantage in the appropriateness of results and has been generally accepted both in Germany and in China.However,in the framework of the theory of justifiable defense,the individual perspective can only effectively prove the first position,and contains the dangerous tendency of the "enemy" perspective;the supra-individual perspective,on the other hand,ends in the same direction and is even less persuasive.German criminal law has realized the interpretation of the third position outside the system of criminal law dogmatics and within the scope of literal interpretation through the "topic turn",but this scheme is not applicable to Chinese law.After pointing out the logic problem of the single-level imputation path,this paper abandons the principle of imputation as a vassal of justifiable defense theory,and through the examination of the two-layer imputation path and the analysis of the defense imputation relationship,bases the third standpoint on the complementarity of objective imputation and justifiable defense,thereby realizing the coexistence of "principle" and "exception" in the criminal law dogmatics system,and finding a concrete solution to the problem of serious imbalance of legal interests.
作者 熊琦 Xiong Qi
机构地区 武汉大学法学院
出处 《环球法律评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第3期86-103,共18页 Global Law Review
基金 作者主持的2015年度国家社会科学基金后期资助项目“功能视域下的法益概念及其自由本质研究”(15FFX026)的研究成果
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