

Theoretical Innovation and Development of China's Natural Resource Property Rights Separation Reform
摘要 产权制度改革始终伴随中国特色社会主义市场经济体制建设的全过程、全领域,更是中国各类自然资源要素管理改革的核心和关键所在。中国自然资源资产权利分置改革的理论演进与实践探索,恰是改革开放40年来国家经济社会发展历程的生动缩影。通过全面回顾和系统提炼改革开放以来以土地资源要素为代表的自然资源资产权利分置理论创新发展的演变历程和逻辑主线,研究认为:①现代西方产权理论和马克思主义产权理论是我国自然资源资产权利分置改革的主要理论渊源,必须跳出土地"三权"分置的传统视角和思考范式,置身于国家大自然资源统一管理制度尤其是自然资源资产产权制度改革长远发展的新时代语境,科学认知和准确把握权利分置改革在推进供给侧结构性改革、生态文明建设和乡村振兴战略等国家重大战略体系中的时代价值;②现行权利分置改革实践中个别存在扭曲或过度解读、大工商资本强势违规介入、假借改革之名行圈地之实现象,必须谨防资本下乡过度引发新一轮圈地热潮、侵犯农村土地财产权益现象,同时积极引导地方转变不会改、不愿改、不想改的消极思维困局,改变地方实践千篇一律、不破题、不深入和特色不突出的做法;③未来中国自然资源资产产权改革必须坚持保持改革定力和改革活力相兼顾,妥善处理好机构改革阶段中的连续稳定和转换创新之间的关系,重点在于夯实改革理论基础,营造良好改革舆论氛围,不断健全完善改革顶层设计制度体系,注重与《民法典物权编》编纂工作的科学衔接,做好试点预案和后评估,以确保改革始终沿着正确轨道平稳推进。 The reform of the property rights system has always been accompanied by the whole process of the construction of the socialist market economic system with Chinese characteristics. It is also the core and key to the management of various natural resource elements in China. The theoretical evolution and practical exploration of China's natural resources property rights separation reforms is precisely the vivid microcosm of the country's economic and social development during the 40 years of reform and opening up. Through a comprehensive review and systematic refinement of the evolution and logical main line of the theoretical innovation development in the natural resource asset rights division represented by the land resource elements since the reform and opening up,the study draws three conclusions. Firstly,the reform must jump out of the traditional perspective of land “three powers separation” and thinking paradigm. In order to scientific cognize and accurate grasp the epochal value of the rights separation in the national major strategic system of supply-side structural reform,ecological civilization construction and rural revitalization strategy,it is important to place in the new era context of the national unified management system of natural resources,especially the long-term development of the natural resources asset property rights system reform. Secondly,there are individual distortions or excessive interpretations in the current practice of split-rights reform, such as the strongly involved in violation of regulations by the large industrial and commercial capital and the land occupation under the name of reform;We must guard against the excessive rise of capital to the countryside to trigger a new round of enclosure boom and infringe on the rural land property rights. At the same time,negative thinking dilemma in local area should be actively guided to transform,and then change the practice of one-size-fits-all,not to break the problem and not to highlight the characteristics;Thirdly,in the future China's natural resources asset property rights reform we must adhere to the principle of pilot advancement,orderly advancement,and gradual promotion. The strength of reform and the vitality of reform should be maintained,so that we could properly handle the relationship between continuous stability and transformational innovation in the institutional reform stage. The key point is to consolidate the theoretical basis of reform,create a good reform atmosphere and public opinion,constantly improve the system of top-level design systems,pay attention to the scientific connection with the compilation of the Civil Code,and do a good job in pilot and post-assessment to ensure that reforms are always along the correct track moving smoothly.
作者 张潆文 张富刚 张浩楠 李凯 ZHANG Yingwen;ZHANG Fugang;ZHANG Haonan;LI Kai(Beijing City University,Beijing 100083,China;Real Estate Registration Center,MNR,PRC,Beijing 100034, China;Shandong University of Technology,Shandong 255012,China;Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,CAS,Beijing 100101,China)
出处 《国土资源情报》 2019年第2期3-9,共7页 Land and Resources Information
基金 2018年国土资源部法律评价工程重点实验室开放基金项目"不动产统一登记规范化研究"和"城市地下空间确权登记研究"
关键词 自然资源资产 权利分置 风险防范 建议 Natural resources property Separation of rights Risk prevention Suggestion
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