
《中国药典》数种中药入药部位的名称冠以“根茎”的讨论 被引量:4

Discussion on Names of TCM Medicinal Parts Used as ‘Rhizome’ in Chinese Pharmacopoeia
摘要 目的:对《中国药典》载24种根茎入药部位的名称等进行辨析。方法:考著七类,结合实践分析各著所载根茎概念、入药部位的名称。结果:《药用植物学》根茎=根状茎;《药材学》根茎类药材=根状茎、鳞茎、球茎和块茎;《中药鉴定学》根茎类=根茎/芦头+地下茎+少许根部。同一入药部位的名称各异,如香附有根茎/根状茎、块茎;山药有根、块茎/块状茎、根茎;北豆根有根茎/根状茎、根;金荞麦有根茎、根及根茎、块根;菝葜、黄山药有根茎、块根;胡黄连有根茎、根茎及根等多名。入药部位涉及有根茎、根状茎、块根、块茎、块状茎、根茎及根、根7个不同名称。在某些品种的内容中《中国药典》《中国药典中药材及原植物彩色图鉴》是把同一种药的入药部位作"根茎(根状茎)"(如升麻、白术"根茎。根状茎……");而《中国植物志》与《药用植物学》是把不同药的同一入药部位有的称"根茎"、有的称"根状茎",等等。若根茎与根状茎概念等同,表述应一致。诸如此类就导致中药验收、检验、药监等操作者的诸多迷惑,无所遵从。结论:根茎的概念、入药部位的名称应该加以规范。 Objective: To discriminate the names and others in the medicinal parts of 24 species of ‘rhizome’ in Chinese Pharmacopoeia. Methods: Referring to seven kinds of writings,combined with professional practice,we analyzed the concepts of ‘rhizome’ and the name of the medicinal parts. Results: In Medicinal Botany,‘rhizome’ equals ‘rhizome and root’. In Herbal Medicine,‘rhizome’ equals ‘rhizome and root’ plus ‘bulbs’,‘corms’ and ‘tubers’. In Chinese Medicine Identification,the kind of rhizome equals ‘rhizome’( residual part of stem) plus ‘underground stem’ and ‘some parts of root’. The name of the same medicinal parts is different. For example,the Cyperus Rotundus has ‘rhizome’,‘rhizome and root’ and ‘tuber’. The Dioscoreae Rhizoma has ‘root’,‘tubers/block stems’ and ‘rhizome’. Rhizoma Menispermi have ‘rhizome’,‘rhizome and root’,‘root’.The Wild Buckwheat Rhizome have ‘rhizome’,‘root and rhizome’,‘root tuber’. The Smilax china L. and Dioscorea panthaica Prain et Burk have ‘rhizome’,‘root tuber’. The Picrorhiza kurrooa has ‘rhizome’,‘root and rhizome’. The medicinal parts have ‘rhizome’,‘rhizome and root’,‘root tuber’,‘tuber’,‘block stems’,‘rhizome’ and ‘ root’,‘root’. In Chinese Pharmacopoeia and China Pharmacopoeia of Chinese Herbal Medicines and Plant Color Illustrations,‘the same medicinal’ equals ‘rhizome’( rhizome and root). In Flora of China and ln Medicinal Botany,‘the same medicinal’ equals ‘rhizome’ and ‘rhizome and root’. Medicinal Botany includes ‘rhizome and root’ but not ‘rhizome’ and so on. This situation led to the acceptance of Chinese medicine,inspection,drug administration and many other operators confused. Conclusion: The concept of rhizome,the name of the medicinal parts should be standardized.
作者 张志国 杨磊 刘浩 周宜 陈文明 蔡嘉洛 张琴 吴萍 ZHANG Zhiguo;YANG Lei;LIU Hao;ZHOU Yi;CHEN Wenming;CAI Jialuo;ZHANG Qin;WU Ping(The First Affiliated Hospital of Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Changsha 410007, Hunan, China;Hunan Academy of Chinese Medicine Institute of Chinese Materia Medica, Changsha 410005, Hunan, China;The Second Affiliated Hospital of Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Changsha 410005, Hunan, China;The First People's Hospital of Changde, Changde 415000,Hunan, China)
出处 《辽宁中医杂志》 CAS 2019年第4期805-815,共11页 Liaoning Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 张志国<全国名老中医药专家传承工作室建设项目>(国中医药人教发【2016】42号) 湖南省重点中医专科建设项目(湘中医药函【2017】11号) 国家中医药管理局中药炮制学重点学科(国中医药人教发【2012】32号)
关键词 中国药典 中药入药部位的名称 根茎(根状茎) 块茎 块根 茎基 Chinese Pharmacopoeia name of TCM medicinal parts rhizoma(rhizome and root) tuber root root tuber stem base
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