Based on the perspective of strategic interaction, this paper empirically examines the spatial effects of fiscal expenditure competition on environmental pollution among 30 provincial governments in China's Mainland by using three methods: Moran index, local Moran index and spatial Durbin model. The results show that there exits competition among local governments in the scale of environmental protection expenditure, which belongs to strate. gy imitation behavior;the scale of environmental protection fiscal expenditure in eastern, central and western re. gions tends to converge;the impact of environmental protection fiscal expenditure in this region on environmental quality is not significant, but it aggravates the degree of environmental pollution in adjacent regions.The current fis. cal expenditure on environmental protection has not played its due role. There is a "free rider" phenomenon among the regions of environmental governance. The study also finds that trade openness can reduce the level of environ. mental pollution in the region. Therefore, we should establish a long-term accountability mechanism for environmen. tal protection assessment, accelerate the upgrading of regional industrial structure, encourage technological innova. tion of enterprises, and explore the coordinated regional governance of local government environmental pollution.
Economic Forum
Fiscal expenditure on environmental protection
Environmental pollution
Government competi. tion
Spatial spillover effect