电梯制动能力检测是电梯检验的重要项目,其结果能直观反映被测设备的制动性能,用于判断被测设备是否安全。该检测项目是检验过程中的难点,传统的肉眼观测钢丝绳标记-距离测量法操作简单,但测试结果不够准确,多次测量结果偏差很大。基于以上原因,在实际工作中,将德国TUV检测公司的ADIA System电梯检测系统的距离-速度测量模块用于电梯制动能力的检测,取得了较为准确的结果。
The detection of elevator braking capability is an important test item to elevators. Its results can directly reflect the braking performance of the tested equipment and be used to judge whether the tested equipment is safe or not. The test item is a difficult one to be carried out during test. The traditional visual observation of steel wire rope markdistance measurement method is simple to operate, but the test result is not accurate enough, and the deviation of multiple measurement results is large. Based on the above reasons, in actual work, the distance-speed measurement module of ADIA System elevator detection system of TUV detection company in Germany is used to detect the braking capacity of elevators, and relatively accurate results are obtained.
Hoisting and Conveying Machinery