

A Prelude to The United States-Pakistan Relations: The United States' Attitudes toward The Pakistan Movement
摘要 第二次世界大战爆发后,南亚次大陆的地缘战略重要性不断逐渐增长,美国开始缓慢卷入南亚事务,与包括穆斯林联盟在内的次大陆政治党派进行了程度不同的接触。印度穆斯林争取建立独立国家的巴基斯坦运动由此开始进入了美国政府、媒体和民众的视野。在当时,美国各界对印度的历史、政治和社会状况所知甚少,对穆盟的实力以及在印度穆斯林中的巨大影响和巴基斯坦运动的性质也不够了解。美国政府先是支持英国提出的建立一个单一的联邦制印度的计划,对巴基斯坦运动持反对态度。1942年到1945年,英国先后派出克利普斯使团和内阁使团试图制定出相应的方案以调和国大党和穆斯林联盟之间的矛盾。美国政府及其驻印度外交官也试图在英国、国大党和穆斯林联盟之间进行协调以促成各方妥协。但是,这些努力均未取得任何成果。随着次大陆局势的发展,美国国务院和外交官最终认识到了穆盟在次大陆穆斯林中所拥有的巨大影响及国大党和穆盟之间的矛盾无法调和的事实。巴基斯坦运动的势头已经无法扭转,穆斯林单独建国已经不可避免,英国于1947年推出了印巴分治的蒙巴顿方案。随后,美国接受了既成事实,承认了巴基斯坦的独立,并与这个新生的国家建立了正式的外交关系。 After the beginning of world war Ⅱ, the geostrategic importance of South Asia subcontinent was gradually increased. The United States began to involve in the political maelstrom of South Asia, and had varying degrees of interaction with political parties in the subcontinent, including the Muslim league. The Pakistan movement of Indian Muslims seeking an independent state of their own had also begun to gain traction with the American government, media and the public. Nevertheless the United States knew little about India's history, politics and society, as well the power of the Muslim League, its enormous influence among Indian Muslims, and the nature of the Pakistan movement. The American government supported the British plan for a single federal India, and opposed the Pakistani movement. From 1942 to 1945, the British government sent Cripps and the cabinet missions to try to work out a plan to reconcile the congress party and the Muslim league. In this process, American government and its diplomats in India had tried to broker a compromise between the UK, congress and the Muslim league. However, none of these efforts had yielded any results. As the situation in the subcontinent totally unfolded, the state department and diplomats finally recognized the fact that Muslim League's enormous influence among Muslims in the subcontinent, and the contradictions between congress and Muslim League were irreconcilable. After discovering that the momentum of the Pakistan movement could not be reversed and the independent statehood of Muslims was inevitable, Britain launched the Mountbatten plan for the partition of India and Pakistan in 1947. After that, the United States also accepted the fait accompli, recognized Pakistan's independence and established formal diplomatic relations with this new nation.
作者 张晓东 Zhang Xiaodong
出处 《南亚东南亚研究》 2019年第2期37-51,153,154,共17页 South and Southeast Asian Studies
关键词 美国 巴基斯坦运动 态度 印巴分治 美巴关系 The United States the Pakistan Movement Attitudes
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