

On the Policy of Prisoners of War of the United States Federal Government during the Civil War
摘要 国内外的战争经验形成了美国战俘政策三原则,即对等交换、适度报复与不承认特定参战群体的战俘身份,贯穿于联邦政府处理内战战俘问题的始终。内战初期,以"戴维斯号事件"为契机,林肯总统被迫默认了南部邦联的交战国身份,此举为双方于1863年7月22日签订《战俘交换协议书》奠定基础。"皮洛堡事件"则成为联邦战俘政策的重要转折点,尤利西斯·格兰特以捍卫黑人士兵的战俘权为由,严禁交换战俘。直到1864总统大选的临近,林肯政府为减少舆论压力与拉拢选民,重启仅限于伤病战俘的特定交换。作为军政利益的祭品,战俘成了南北双方的重要宣传工具。相互冲突的战俘叙事加剧了南北认同的分化,阻碍了民族和解的实现。 The war experience formed the three principles of American policy of prisoners of war, which were reciprocal exchange,moderate retaliation and nonrecognition of the prisoner’s identity of particular combatant groups. These principles worked throughout the handling of prisoners in the Civil War. In the early stage of the Civil War, taking the "Davis event" as an opportunity, President Lincoln was forced to acquiesce in the belligerent identity of the Confederacy, which laid the foundation for the Prisoner General Exchange Cartel signed on July 22, 1863. The "Fort Pillow incident" became an important turning point in federal policy of prisoners of war. Ulysses Grant banned the exchange of prisoners of war due to the defense of the prisoner rights of black soldiers. It was not until the presidential election in November 1864 that the Lincoln administration resumed a special exchange aimed at wounded prisoners of war in order to reduce public pressure and woo voters. As a victim of military and political interests,prisoners of war were used as an important propaganda tool by both sides.
作者 罗超 Luo Chao(College of History and Culture, Ludong University, Yantai 264025)
出处 《华中师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第3期153-162,共10页 Journal of Central China Normal University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 国家哲学社会科学基金青年项目"洛杉矶少数族裔的郊区化及其影响(1940-2010)"(17CSS018)
关键词 美国 内战时期 联邦政府 战俘 “戴维斯号事件” “皮洛堡事件” America the Civil War the federal government prisoners of war
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