

Genomic and proteomic analysis of Bifidobacterium longum XY01 revealing carbohydrate metabolism characteristics
摘要 目的探究长双歧杆菌XY01(B. longum XY01)的基因组和蛋白质组特点。方法基于基因组学和蛋白质组学测序,比较分析B. longum XY01与常规菌株B. longum NCC2705的碳水化合物代谢特点。通过液相色谱-串联质谱联用技术鉴定该菌株的蛋白质图谱。结果与结论与B. longum NCC2705相比,B. longum XY01的基因组更大,含有一个2 480 603 bp的环状染色体,并含有381个特异编码序列,其中5个与岩藻糖代谢相关,即岩藻糖酸脱水酶(GS08_09530和GS08_01695)、岩藻糖异构酶(GS08_01710)、α-L-岩藻糖苷酶(GS08_01715)和L-岩藻糖通透酶(GS08_09520)。利用液相色谱-串联质谱联用技术鉴定出B. longum XY01菌株含有1365种蛋白(占预测蛋白组的71. 8%),确定了B. longum XY01的bifid shunt过程和糖酵解通路相关的酶。 Objective To explore the genomic and proteomic characteristics of Bifidobacterium longum XY01( B. longum XY01). Methods Genomics and proteomic sequencing were applied to compare the carbohydrate metabolism characteristics of B. longum XY01 and normal B. longum NCC2705. Moreover,liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry( LC-MS/MS) was used to draw the protein profiles. Results and Conclusion Compared with B. longum NCC2705,B. longum XY01 was found to have a larger circular chromosome of 2 480 603 bp and 381 specific protein coding sequences,five of which were related to fucose metabolism. They are fucose dehydrase( GS08 09530 and GS0801695),fucose isomerase( GS0801710),α-L-fucosidase( GS0801715) and L-fucose permease( GS0809520).Meanwhile,1365 proteins( 71. 8% of the predicted protein group) and the enzymes related to the bifid shunt process and glycolysis pathway of B. longum XY01 have been identified by LC-MS/MS.
作者 陆静 魏晓 袁静 LU Jing;WEI Xiao;YUAN Jing(Academy of Military Medical Sciences,Academy of Military Sciences,Beijing 100850,China;PLA Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Beijing 100071,China;Xuanwu Hospital of Capital Medical University,Beijing 100053,China;Capital Institute of Pediatrics,Beijing 100020,China)
出处 《军事医学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第12期910-915,共6页 Military Medical Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(31670035 31370093)
关键词 长双歧杆菌 基因组学 蛋白质组学 Α-L-岩藻糖苷酶 Bifidobacterium longum genomics proteomics α-L-fucosidase
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